Red Silver and Black

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Sips tea, "this chapter sucks"
Okay, just know that EVERYTHING has plot, "Raon" acts this way for a reason, there is plot behind this shit.


Cale was sitting in a simple carriage, both cats were eating some sweets he had given them.


-Human, where are we going-nya?

"They're already starting to add their "nya" to the end of everything" Cale was already regretting his decision.

-We're going to save a child-he replied nonchalantly.

-How old is he-nya?

-Is he going to be our youngest-nya?

The two cats were happy, they had heard that Cale was trash, but he certainly didn't appear to be, and the food he was offering them was really good.

-If he wants to join us, let him do it, if he doesn't want to join us, let him do that too -that was his decision, if Raon decided to join him again he would be happy, but he wasn't going to force him, he would tell him where his mother's castle was and then he would leave.

-Human is a good person-nya

-Yes, yes he is -Nya

-What the fuck are you talking about?!

Cale really didn't understand why he was always being told that, it was a real pain in the ass.

-Young master, we have arrived-said the driver at that moment.

-Thank you, we shall separate here then-replied Cale, they were in the same inn he had been in the first time he came here.

"This brings back memories" he sighed as he entered, he had liked the old man from the tavern last time.

-Oh! young master-nim I will prepare the best room for you right away- the owner was scared, the nobles had no respect for commoners and were very demanding, if they didn't like something they could send you to the orca, that boy was a nobleman because of his simple but luxurious clothes.

-No need, I don't wish to draw attention to myself- Cale replied with a smile that Raon would have said was vicious.

-Yes, I'm sorry, I won't mention that you've been here, young master- the old man replied, even more frightened.

-Thank you very much, could you give me a single room please?

-Yes! I will prepare it immediately.


-So, want to sneak into some crazy bastard's base?

Cale was at the window of the room


-We're going to rescue our youngest-nya!

-I never said he was going to accept...

That night one of those present thought he hallucinated that he had seen a young boy flying out of the window while carrying two cats, obviously he never mentioned it to anyone.


A four year old dragon stood watching as the place where he had been trapped was destroyed by fire.

Cale Henituse's 3rd lifeWhere stories live. Discover now