Diary Entry #3 Timeless Novels

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As I walked towards the library, I couldn't help but stare at all the people caught mid-motion and stuck there. I didn't know whether I should laugh or cry, so I just continued walking.

When I got to the library the door was, luckily, unlocked. I don't believe anybody is going to notice if I take a book or two without using the computers to check them out, which seemed to be out of commission due to the current circumstances. I walked around the library, noticing all the books I've read. I came to this library often, so that was most of them. I saw a book by my favorite author, Heaven Official's Blessing. I decided to bring it with me because I still can't seem to accept the fact that I may never get the third volume in the English translation. I found a few books on the concept of time, The Order of Time and The Shape of Time. (Real creative titles, am I right?)

I left the library and walked back to my apartment as quickly as possible, trying to avoid looking at the people around me. (Why am I still living there, again? I could literally go and laze about anywhere.)

I don't know how long I sat there reading, but I finished all of them in one sitting. I found next to nothing. It was all just paradoxes upon paradoxes of what time really is or isn't. I'm simply more confused now. I wish I could just Google this or something, but computers, phones, Tvs, heck even Ipads aren't functioning anymore. I'm thinking about setting up camp in the library, I mean there's no point in staying here. I would write something in this notebook every day, but it seems as though no time is actually passing. I don't really know what else to write, so I'll end it here. 

Thanks for reading.

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