Hyun-Shik the General pt.2

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It was the day of the challenge. We had all been woken up at 7 that morning, given breakfast and hurried into a couple of vans. They then drove us for what felt like 2 hours before having us get out. Getting out of the vans we came across what was usually a very busy square in Seoul. Currently, it had been fenced off and a makeshift stage had been prepared. There were multiple ballot boxes set up around the square as well. We were all walked to the back of the stage where we were briefed on the proceedings.

The performance would work like this:

First, we would begin by having the first group stand on the stage and pretend to do a soundcheck and mess around a little. At the same time, a large amount of the fencing would be taken down. Only blocking off areas that could be dangerous for crowds.

Next, a few hired actors would slowly start to gather, this would attract the interest of the rest of the public. Once a reasonable sized crowd had shown up we would begin our performances.

Following the performances, a recap of all the performances would be shown on screens set up around the square while the public voted for the winners of each section: 9 members, 3 members and solo. It seemed pretty straight forward too.

As we got prepared, it was decided that the other 9 member group would perform first. They got up on the stage, mics attached and began to mess around a little. Sound checking, singing snippets of songs. Telling jokes. As this happened, people slowly began to creep into the square. They were curious as to what was going on. Soon, a crowd of about 80 people had gathered and was still increasing. A large crowd was bonded to attract more people. The music finally began to play and the group got into position. Their choice was surprising considering the size of their group, but they ended up performing "Come back home" By Seo Taiji and boys. This might have been due to Seol Young taking full control. But this completely came across as an attempt at putting himself in the spotlight. He was dancing centre, singing the main vocals and performing the main rapper position. He sang pretty much all the lines, having everyone else perform one line, and completely leaving DongBang out to dry with literally zero involvement. He had been literally used as a background dancer. I knew I was right to worry about him, and the competition that had started to bloom between him and Seol Young.

The competition was good I thought. But Seol Young had taken it too far, trying to completely isolate and deprive DongBang of a chance to prove himself. The performance finished and the crowd cheered, although half-heartedly. They didn't seem to enjoy the performance too much. That was a fair opinion. It had practically been the Seol Young show the whole time, and the rest of the group wasn't too enthusiastic about being merely background dancers and backing vocals.

Next, it was our 9 member group turn. We all gathered together in a huddle. Some of us were beginning to hyperventilate from nerves. Hyun-Shik brought us in.

"Ok, guys. We've been perfect in practice! There is no reason we can't go out there today and absolutely smash it." The rest of us nod along and murmur in agreement. "Don't be nervous guys. Just think of this as a mid-term evaluation with a few extra judges. You've performed in front of people before. Just stay calm, and try your best. I'm proud of how far you've come, and I know you're proud of yourselves too. Now let's get out there and show them what we've got!" Hyun-Shik finishes with gusto.

"Fighting!" We all shout together and head up onto the stage. We all get into positions as the music for WOW by BTOB begins. Kyu-Bong starts us off with the half-rap and some impressive and well-polished dancing. Then the rest of us on in. The parts had been split up in a way where our abilities matched the music, rather than each of us taking on the role of one of the members of BTOB.

As soon as the chorus hits, the crowd starts to bounce up and down. Some are singing along. It seems like our performance is going pretty well. I also think it's a testament to our song choice and the way Hyun-Shik organised it. Very quickly and tidily, we finish the song and the crowd cheers as we bow and leave the stage. The 3-person groups are up next. DongBang's group is up first. They performed Fantastic baby, which had been released by BigBang just a couple of months earlier. It was a popular song and the crowd enjoyed it. DongBang did a great job. Seol Yong's team were again, pretty shocking. Looked like Young had full control over the group and turned it into a solo act again. The final of the three groups gave us all a bit of a surprise. They performed Gee, by Girl's Generation. They had the crowd laughing and cheering. Everyone had smiles on their faces. It was a quality performance, and they seemed to have fun.

Next, it was the turn of our 3-member groups. Kyu-Bong's group went first. They performed Ring Ding Dong by SHINee. It was a huge hit amongst the crowd. Especially as the main vocal of that group managed a perfect impression of Jonghyun's slightly gravelly and nasally voice in the opening. They had a huge cheer at the end of their song. Next was Girls, Girls, Girls by GOT7 which was performed by three of the introduced trainees. They did pretty well, but their dancing was still out of sync. Finally, our turn was up. We stood up on stage. I looked at Hyun-Shik just before the music starts and gave him an encouraging shake of my fist before readying myself. The music starts as we sing and perform Runaway by Super Junior. This was a great song choice for us, as the harmonies sounded amazing, especially with Hyun-Shik backing us up. The crowd enjoyed it too. Although the dance wasn't complicated, it was still energetic. By the time the song had finished, the crowd were clapping along with the song and singing too. The mood was infectious. We had to quickly get off the stage and get ready for solo performances. But as we were climbing down the stairs in the back, all we could hear was the crowd, still singing Runaway.

"It really is an unexpecting earworm isn't it?" I mutter. Hyun-Shik, the only one who hears me smiles slightly. "You're right. Try your best not to forget about your next song" He reminds me before turning to watch the first solo performance.

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