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═ ☆. YOU SPENT THE WEEKEND WITH YOUR head all over the place. There was the matter of Sale, who was still running around after you'd failed to catch him a few days ago in Capri. Then there were the girls who'd harassed you, their words stuck in your mind like prickly thorns. You had avoided replying to Trish and Giorno's texts asking how the meeting with Abbacchio had gone. You were still conflicted about what exactly hanging out with them meant—if it was for some kind of misguided validation on your part.

To take your mind off things, you left campus for a bit. Your first instinct was to go to the café, but things were still tense between yourself and Fugo. You decided to go into Naples proper instead, hoping a bit of fresh air and people-watching would do you some good.

The sky was overcast, and a slight wind blew through the air. You passed by storefronts and businesses, your eyes skipping past preppy young people and stately older couples. When was the last time you had bought anything for yourself? Maybe that would be good for you. Trish would know what style of clothing looked good on—

Is she even really my friend to be thinking about her like that?

You paused at a high-end boutique, admiring the stylish outfits the mannequins displayed. Wasn't college supposed to be a chance at meeting new people? How was it that your pool of friends was still so tiny compared to the thousands of students who went to Sapiena?

There's Narancia, I guess. And Fugo, if he weren't pissed at me. I wonder if Mista or Bruno would consider themselves my friend?

You felt like you were overthinking this. Friendships shouldn't be overthought, should they?

Your stomach growled moodily, not concerned with any of your mental turmoil. Was there a good restaurant around here somewhere? You ducked into a random one a few feet away when the sign boasting a half-off lunch caught your eye. You put your order in at the front counter and the server told you to take a seat.

Even though you shouldn't have, you took a peek at the Sapiena elites' profiles while you waited. There were a number of new pictures from Trish and Giorno's charity event, both of them wearing immaculate outfits and cordial smiles. Mista had hit up a club after whatever appointment he'd had, and his latest pictures featured a blurry figure pressing a kiss to his cheek. Bruno's profile was quiet, but then again, it always was compared to everyone else's.

What am I doing with them?

Someone abruptly took the seat opposite you. You opened your mouth to protest before a sharp glare from a pair of red-black eyes shut you up. It took a second for you to register who the person wearing black flannel over a graphic tee was.

"Don't look behind you," Risotto said, his lips barely moving. "Pretend you were expecting me. Give me a menu."

Of course, that made you want to look behind you. You passed over a menu, trying to see what Risotto was hiding from through the metal napkin dispenser's reflection.

"What's going on?"

"Some guy is tailing me." Risotto opened the menu, cool as a cucumber. "He's bad news. I ducked in here for cover. And yes, it was a total coincidence you happened to be here."

"Someone's following you?" The back of your neck prickled uncomfortably. Even with all of the people around you, you suddenly felt on edge.

"One of Signor D's guys, I'm pretty sure." Risotto's eyes flicked up briefly. "He came in just now."

Holy shit.

Your palms began to sweat. A server came by with your order and you thanked her shakily.

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