Once upon time there was a teenage boy who lived by himself. This boy was named Arnold Swchortsnagger. The reason why Arnold lived by himself is because his family was ate by a big bad wolf. Well that's what he thinks what happened. The reason why Arnold thinks that is because he was gone for a little bit and when he came back there was red stuff everywhere and there was a wolf in his house. After Arnold saw that Arnold now seeks for revenge on that wolf. What Arnold dose is he goes into the forest builds a new home and puts traps all over the the place. Arnold's plan is he goes to the gun smith and buys every type of weapon. He buys knives, grenades, mines,rockets, rifles, machine guns, pistols and even more. He plans to pull the wolf into his little traps to weaken the wolf but the wolf might not be alone. So he sets up more traps more in front of his house some in the back and he digs a big trench. Instead of putting water in it he put the mines in it all around the premature. Then he puts the knives in the ground point Side up. Then he lays each gun in each gun location. Arnold dose that so when he gets to that location he's ready to shoot.
As Arnold goes on and gets ready he starts "telling people that there is going to be a wolf hunt." But no one listens to Arnold so he says"I'm going to prove you guys wrong." So he did what he did was bought a wolf call he called the right wolf pack. Arnold heard a Big Bang it kinda made him jump a little.he said its one of the mines.