A Strange welcome

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As the doors flew open Sakura closed her eyes tightly and used her arms as shields, ready to protect her from the hurd of boys. Just as they were shouting and about to pull Sakura- 


Sudden silence broke between the boys.

Yuki held Sakura (which was on the floor) and lifted her by the hand. Sakura looked down putting one hand on the opposite shoulder. They both exited the scene.

"Arigatou" Sakura thanked Yuki. "wh..." Yuki started but a loud bell informed it was time for school to start. "Oh no gomen ne sai!" Sakura apologized "I need to help you find your class" 

"No it's ok you will be late, I will ask for help" Yuki replied walking away "Please let me help you! I owe you afterall" Sakura insisted. But Yuki was ignoring. "Yuki is an interesting person" Sakura said smiling then walking to class. The corridor was empty. It was quite late already. Yuki took a paper out then clipped her bag shut. "what??" Her eyes widened "I am inclass...9A" It echoed down the corridor "A...A...A..." She looked around the deserted corridors. "huh?...I should have just went with Sakura afterall..." She sighed. She spotted a sign and followed "Reception..." she read and walked.


Soon after finding the reception she waited behind a boy. The boy revealed his knee as the receptionist brought a wet cotton and lightly dabbed it. "uh..." The boy said closing one eye in pain. "that must hurt" Yuki thought, feeling sorry for him. He caught her glancing at his knee then turned to look away. "I will go get a box of plasters, wait here Ichigo" The recopsionist walked and soon disapeared behind a door. The boy looked down with sorrow. The expression on his face was more hurt than Sakura's. He turned away even more. The woman soon returned and gave him a box of plasters. He struggled to open it as the woman left to answer a call. As he tried to open the box, the fabric of his trousers kept rolling down onto his cut. He then rolled his trousers then opened the box. But as he unsealed the sticky plaster, his hands were shaking when trying to place it.

"ummm...here" Yuki said taking the plaster off his hands. She carefully got down on her knees fixing her blazer. She slowly placed the plaster against his knee. "That is cut...it surely isn't just a fall..." Yuki commented. But he was silent looking down at the knee and trapping his pain. "uh..h.." He expressed quitely in pain. "am sorry..." She looked up at him as the front of his hair fell looking down at his knee. It was a chocolate brown and his eyes were mysterious almost as if full of misery and a light shade of brown.



(  HOW ICHIGO LOOKS LIKE » http://data.whicdn.com/images/28533604/anime-art-boy-headphone-Favim.com-316902_large.jpg )


Soon, she realised she was distracted by his face and immediately shot up. "um..sorry" She blushed looking away too. Then there was 10 seconds of awkward silence, they did not look at eachother and completely looked the opposite way. Finally, the reciptionist appeared breaking the silence "Gomen Ichigo...I am sure it's ok now. I know it was hard for you to walk to the nurse's room and I am always busy" She said glancing at Ichigo.


YUKI'S P.O.V ***

He was very quite. 'Ichigo' I thought... 'Ichigo'. I stood waiting for the recoptionist to invite me for help. It looks like she didn't notice me. I waited. Still thinking "Ichigo" I said.

BAKA ME!!! BAKA ME!!! >.< 

I said it out loud! Ichigo slowly turned his head towards me still looking down at the floor. "umm...Ichigo?...I could help you to your class..." I blurted. 

BAKA ME!!! BAKA ME!!! >.<

I slapped myself mentally. "Just show me the way" I added stupidly. "no thank you." He muttered. Finally, he actually spoke. 

"uh..." He began to say in pain. He tried to stand up using a small coffee table as support. I reached out to help him and put his arm around mine. He looked bothered but I was insisting to help him. "What...what happend?" I asked attempting to start a conversation. "nothing." He said looking away AGAIN.

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