3 ▶ Pairing Up

114 9 18

This chapter is dedicated to Habiba_Ansari


After Judith and Symphony forced me into a beautiful sea green gown with tulle skirt, and made my hair into more "acceptable" braids, they gently shoved me into the corridor where a waiting guard escorted me to the dining room where all the girls participating in the Choosing would eat from now till the next sixty days.

Sixty days to live in the palace.

Outside the dining room, I pause to catch my breath. The guard, a quite handsome young man raises a brow at me.

I snort. "I'm nervous, okay, stop giving me that judgemental look."

His lips curve a little as he smiles. But the smile disappears so fast. "Just be yourself."

I manage a smile. "Thanks."

And through the door I go, almost freezing when over twenty eyes land on me.

"Oh, wow." I say loud enough for everyone to hear. Some of the girls, all in differnt colours of gowns laugh at my display.

Seated at the table is a beautiful woman wearing a crown of precious jewels. She smiles sweetly at me.

"You must be lady Alanna, I hope your journey here wasn't stressful."

"No, your majesty." I say, attempting a curtsey that makes me trip over my gown, falling to the floor.

This time, everyone's in a full-on laughter.

Oh, someone kick me.

I contemplate remaining on the floor for the rest of dinner but then,all laughter die down and all eyes focus on somewhere behind me.

"Do you need help?"

I let out an audible gasp. The King himself is standing over me with a hand stretched downwards.

Hesitantly, I put my hands in his and he pulls me up.

"Thank you, your Majesty."

He nods, walking to the table. "I'm glad etiquette lessons are starting tomorrow."

Well, me too.

I settle into an empty seat between two girls and dinner continues with mild chatter.

"You really put on a show."

I turn to the girl with blonde short hair and face as flawless as the morning azure sky. The smile on her face drags away my annoyance.

"You think." I mutter.

She nods, wiping her lips with the grace and poise of a true lady.

"My name is Harriet."


"That's a boy name." The girl on my other side comments, glancing up from her food.

Shrugging, I pick at my food, wondering what to do with all the cutlery on display next to my plate. "My mom named me Alanna but I'd rather be called Alan."

She nods. "You're just like my elder sister Philomena, she loves climbing trees and doesn't mind getting all dirty. She goes by 'Phil'. Quite odd, don't you think?"

Discerning the venom under her words, I turn back to Harriet.

"That's Florence. You'd do well not to get on her bad side." Harriet tells me.

Florence sighs. "I would have been in a better mood if I didn't get my period this evening. I feel like having someone's neck ripped off."

"You can have Theresa." Harriet responds.

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