35 ▶ Unlikely Allies

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“I was thinking you'll be off setting someone's home on fire.”Theresa's voice sounds above my head.

I look and she's leaning against a branch of the tree I'm sitting under. I was drawing strange patterns on the brown soil while reflecting on a lot.

“Hello, enemy.” I smile weakly.

Theresa scrunches her nose. “Eww!” She pokes at me with a foot. “Where's the spark?”

A small laugh leaves my mouth before I know it. “It's hiding.”

“Better bring it out.” Theresa comments. We fall into silence and she breaks it by sighing.

The evening wind blows dry leaves around, some dropping from the trees nearby. By this time of the year, we're supposed to be experiencing extreme cold, but for some reason, nature had gone a little late.

“I heard what's happening.”

My eyes lift from the ground once more. “What?”

“Our unkillable King. Like who would have guessed. I was thinking all this would be over so that I can go back to my miserable family.”

Family. The way she says that word, with so much venom in her eyes and voice.

I'm about to ask about that but Theresa had already started talking.

“Deep down I'm not a bad person, but I hate seeing people happy. There's some sick satisfaction I get seeing others suffer. It's not my fault, Alanna.” Her voice is shaky, heavy with grief, turmoil, anguish, some thing dark.

I've never had the opportunity to scrutinise Theresa back at the Palace because she was always being a pain in my ass.   

“What's your story, Tee?”   

My new nickname for Theresa pulls a small smile from her.

“My  mother ran off after giving  birth to me, leaving father to care for me. It was a nurse who raised me until I was weaned, then dad remarried. My stepmother never liked me. Even after sixteen years, she still reminds me of my mother's stupid mistake. Father doesn't care slightly about me.”   

That's awful. I can't imagine living in a house where both parents despise me.

I remember once when I told her her parents never wanted her. It was  a retaliation to her insults, but now I realise that I really struck a nerve there.       

“Why did they send you to the Choosing?” I can't help but ask.

“Out of spite.”

From the distance, I see Larry and Reik talking. They shouldn't have spotted us from where they stood but somehow they do.

I nudge Theresa. She eyes me strangely but when I nod at the pair and she looks over, colour rises up her cheeks.

“Looks like someone has a crush.”  

She smacks my arm. “Stop.” An impish smile stretches her features.“Just like you and Reik.”

“Well,Reik and I are technically married so...”

Theresa coughs, eyes widening. “WHAT????”


Having had enough excitement for the day, I retire to my bedroom. Theresa and I had walked inside the main house together,  but Larry pulled her aside for something.

Just as I've dived under the covers, prepared for a brief nap, Reik enters.

He's changed into new clothes and his hair seems newly cut.

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