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"How the hell is this fun?" I ask Hannah while I look at all the girls that are waiting for the male that have been the talk of the world the last couple of weeks.

"You will feel the fun later." She answers and I just look down at my phone to see that he will come out in like 5 minutes according to when they said the signing would begin. I can't wait until I can get home and read some Frerard fanfictions. I would deny that I read them if someone actually asked me... but you know... I do read them.

I hear the girls start screaming and I see the curly haired lad walking up on the little stage, he looks pretty hot if I can say so myself... but that doesn't make up for the fucking awful sleep I got tonight, Hannah will need to buy me fucking My Chemical Romance tickets for that to be forgiven.

"Look at him Louis he is so damn pretty." Hannah is holding my arm like she is going to fall if she doesn't hold it, and who knows maybe she is... I don't know.

He sings two songs from his new EP before the actually signing starts. Hannah is crying before he even sits down at the table, oh girls what is wrong with you? He is just a fucking boy who happen to be able to sing... Okay let's face it I would be doing the same thing if this was My Chemical Romance... But this is one fucking boy!

He isn't even 18 yet... sure he turns 18 next year but you know he isn't 18 now!

"He is so hot Louis!"

I try to ignore Hannah while I follow her up on the stage but it's a little hard because she is basically clinging to me like a fucking monkey. Like dude let go of my arm I might need it someday... You know it's a part of my body and that is the arm I write with I am pretty sure all my teachers will be mad if you take my arm.

"Hi there lovely." Harry says to Hannah when she comes up to him, and she looks like she is going to die... but I won't let her die because she wouldn't want to embarrass herself in front of the "oh so big" Harry Styles

"I love you so much!" Okay too late...

I leave together with Hannah and she giggles and I try not to get offended when she tells me that he is like 10 times hotter than me... Like girl have you seen this ass? Okay move on...




My hand is starting to hurt, I don't like it. I don't like it at all. No.

I love my fans but sometimes I wish I could go back to when they weren't that many and I actually had time to get to know them more personally. Like knowing about their likes and dislikes. I would love to just sit and talk with my fans, not having to worry about not having the time to meet all of them or it being too many people so security have to take me away.

"One more hour then we have to leave." Justin whispers in to my ear. I try not to feel anything but I do. It's always a new place every single day and it feels like I never get enough time to actually look around. I just drive from place to place, I never have time to meet with my friends anymore.

I keep smiling and signing crying girls EPs and shoes. I don't understand that shoe thing because I am pretty sure it will go away... You can probably sell that on eBay for a lot of money... just saying.

"I love you so much Harry!" A crying blond girl says and I just smile at her and tell her that I love her too, she cries even more and I try not to feel bad for her, I hate it when people cry. I don't understand why people cry over me, I am not worth crying over.

"Don't cry love" I say and a new river of tears falls from her eyes, she is crying me a freaking river and I can't do anything about it because she will need to move on in just a few seconds. I know that I should care more about her but she is just another fan and she will go home and tweet about this on her twitter and tell all her followers about how I called her love.

"Hey" I look up at the brown haired girl with short shorts and a light pink tank top... how are she not freezing to death? It's 4 days before Christmas and the snow is falling down outside. She shouldn't be wearing those kind of clothes people will thing bad things about her.

"Aren't you cold, love?" I ask her and she gives me something I guess is supposed to be a flirty smile... it doesn't really work.

"You can keep me warm if I get cold... can't you?" She asks and I don't really want to answer and when Eric one of the security guards shows her the way down from the little stage thingy I have never felt happier. I knew that there would be girls flirting with me at after x Factor but I kind of wished they wouldn't you know.


hELLO PEOPLE!!!! Can you just imagine me sitting writing this in the spring sun with Nirvana in my ears? Well good because that is what happened :)

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