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y/n knew she wasn't safe. she was being escorted to a sketchy room at the back of the buildings 3rd floor. it was weird but what could she do. these men are probably armed with weapons so she can't really whip out self defence that she had learned before and then run away as fast as she could but she didn't know where she was, she kind of did map out where she was when she was looking out the window but she knew she wouldn't get that far on foot.

following the young man in front of her she sighed. "how long is this gonna take? we've went through so many fucking elevators. where the fuck are we going! tell me or i'll get a fucking answer out of you myself!" she screamed as the man looked behind him and put his finger up to his mouth trying to tell her to quiet down. they were getting closer and closer to a door surrounded by the loudly ventilated room. she felt like she was in the back rooms.

they eventually got closer to the door and the door opened to reveal a bunch of different men hunched over in all different positions, sprawled all over the couches. her brows furrowed as she looked around the room, her eyes moving slowly from one end to another. she was confused. she knew it was something to do with gang work or bonten because of sanzu but why was she needed. her eyes then landed on a certain long white haired male dressed in a red and gold robe.

"oh hell nah. hell fucking nah bitch! i ain't talking to that asshole! get him away, now! fuck him, fuck all ya-" she screamed as she was stopped by sanzu. a sugiuran pistol pointed at her neck. she nodded and looked up at sanzu who had his fingers around her waist, his breath on her neck as she groaned.

"you're seriously using a pistol from 1945, grow the fuck up sanzu, and don't touch me you pervert. disgusting asshole." she said as she slapped him away. she wasn't letting some pink haired psycho bitch touch her and be inappropriate towards her and she's sure that kokonoi said something to sanzu about being touchy and being violent towards her or did he?

"alright explain, the fuck am i here for? explain. kokonoi, you got anything to say?"  she said as she walked over to her brother and stood in front of him not caring what the other men were thinking. she folded her arms and looked him up and down as he stared at her. her eyes widened as she looked extremely annoyed.

"aw well if it isn't my dear old sister? how are you huh? come on, take a seat, yo mochizuku pour her a drink would ya?" he said and grinned as he laid back and folded his legs, putting his arms on the top of the couch. y/n was extremely fucking annoyed, she kicked kokonoi in the leg as two other stranger men held up guns.

"guns down. you were told not to harm her." kokonoi growled at the gun holders as they slowly retreated and became ashamed. y/ns annoyance grew to aggravation. "kokonoi you fucking punk! what the fuck do you want, i don't want your god damn alcohol it's probably poisoned." the young woman screamed as she looked down at her brother and then tugged his hair like a child.

"look you're here to talk. nothing else. we need your help with finding a certain someone. we've got word that you have connections to him, we need to kill him." kokonoi said as his face and tone of voice turned serious. it's like a switch has been flicked. he's so different from being a sly bastard at the start. y/n rolled her eyes and sat down as kokonoi nodded and hummed to himself.

"okay so you're telling me you wanna kill akkun? dude he literally doesn't live in japan anymore. well not that i know of, i'm pretty sure he moved to taiwan a few years ago." y/n explained as the group of men all groaned and shook their heads.
y/n looked around and sighed as she stood up and flicked her brothers head and walked over to the haitani brothers and kakucho.

"so now that we're all acquainted, blah blah blah, y'all owe me for waisting my time and ruining my night. him, him and him will basically look after me and tend to my needs. you got me involved so it's your problem now. i'll be taking over your place sano." the woman grinned as the familiar male hummed and looked at her with a strong held death glare. she pointed to three men. rindou haitani, kakucho and shion madarame.

she grabbed kakucho by a piece of his clothing and looked at him. walking out of the large room not saying farewell to her brother or anyone else. the two other men were permitted to follow the woman by sano manjiro. he wouldn't cross the woman. he'd known her for a long time. she knew his older brother and was good friends with him. he promised his brother never to harm the woman, and would stand by that.

the woman proceeded to drag kakucho awkwardly out to the car she was drove to the building is so he could drive her home.
"alright prickface! drive me home, now. i'll hop in the front." the woman commanded as kakucho sighed as she opened the door and got into it.

the woman was getting impatient at how long the men were taking to get in the car. they were having a conversation about something that seemed important but y/n didn't care one bit so she got out of the car and started screaming at the men to hurry the fuck up and drive her home as she was tired and hungry and didn't want to be near this fucking building anymore.
and so the group eventually got into the car and drove y/n home safely.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2022 ⏰

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