zip ties

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TW violence and kidnapping

"I need an ambulance and the police.!" You spoke quietly and hurried.

"Alright whats your address and name and whats happening?" She spoke calmly.

"(y/a) and my names (y/n) there are these guys I-I and my mom I think they hurt her I dont know if she still a-alive.." You mange to get out.

"They will be there right away, please stay clam (y/n). And stay on call-"   You hung up as soon as you heard his footsteps. Fucking idiot.

You gasped and the loud sound banging on the door the handle rattling. You were so scared you'd hope the door lasted until the police showed up.. "(y/n) open the door or i'll force it open." The voice said in a threatening tone. You hated it the way he said your name as if he knew you. More handle rattling.

"(y/n) come on," He cooed. "Come on out we just want to see your pretty face." What could you do, not much, nothing really at all you were helpless. Stuck in the bathroom sobbing your eyes out you hated it. You hated being so weak.

Pull yourself together (y/n), the police are on there way, but the door wont hold long, you just hoped it would hold until the po-.


The sound brought you out of your thoughts. You watched the doorknob fall to the floor and the door slowly open. No.. Oh god no, please.

The door was now fully opened, staring, just standing there doing nothing what could you do. The man let out a small chuckle and began to speak "Now (y/n) kicking me wasn't very nice." He said, the way he said your name was awful. He almost sounding like a scolding father.

You were trembling, you were going to be his next victim you knew it.

The man was walking towards you, you cant do anything your trapped.

"G-get away from me!!" You said loudly and shakily. He stopped for a second maybe to process your words. Shaking his head slowly he let out another chuckle.

"Thats the last thing I wanna do sweetheart.."He spoke lowly and quickly snatched your phone from your hand stuffing it into his pocket, and then he aggressively  grabbed you by the hair and started pulling you out of the bathroom.

"Ah!" You gasped out and grabbed his wrist, trying to pull his hand away from your head. He was taking you towards the back door. No. No. NO.

Your dropped your body. He was thrown off by this letting go of your hair, you fell right on your ass. Quickly you grabbed the closest thing to you and threw it at him it was a vase that must've fell over, then you scrambled up running to the living room and knocking more stuff over in the process.

You ran right in to the taller man, he was holding your suitcase. You stumbled back and he grabbed one of your shoulders. Gripping it and pushing you onto the floor he started at you and shook his head.

"Come on (y/n) we dont have all night, just cooperate." His voice didn't really have a tone it scared you. Foot steps, the other man was behind you now. You looked over your shoulder to look at him. You couldn't tell but something told you he was pissed. What was going to happen now you should've just let them kill you maybe it would be less painful. The man in front of you let go of you shoulder and the man behind you pulled his leg back and kicked you right in the side.

You were sent back and hit the coffee table, you let out a wince as you gripped your side.

You looked over to the man the kicked you, he was walking  towards you. He he grabbed your hair making you stand up, you scratched at his wrist and struggled in his grasp. You were basically swung forward, he sent you flying into the wall. Your head hit the wall first.

"Masky, do this when we get back, we dont have much time remember.." The taller one said, he must be the voice of reason. And what did he mean we get back, what was happening?

"Fine," 'Masky' paused and looked at you. "Your lucky ya' know darling?"

Was he mocking you? You were not lucky, there are two murder stalkers in your house that just assaulted you and killed your mom.

The taller one made his way towards you it was probably time to plead. You were hardly standing you didn't think he kicked you all to hard but apparently he did. Clutching your side and attempting to move away from them, your mind was hazy. Did he really kick you that hard?? Or was it because you bashed your head into the wall??

Now wasn't the time to think about that, you were getting picked up "Stop!!" You yelled out and were slung over his shoulder he was holding you by your legs as he made his way to the back door. Shit. You thrashed around hitting his back and kicking your legs. "Put me down!"

'Masky' had taken your suitcase. We were outside, and you were getting more desperate. 'Masky' had pulled something out of his pocket zip ties. Oh god, fucks sake. He grabbed your wrists and brought them together.

"Dont touch me!" You yelled, you yelled... Then you started screaming hoping someone would fucking hear you.

"Shut up." 'Masky' said tired of your yapping and zip tied your wrist together, you kept yelling and screaming. 

"I said, shut up! Or i'll fucking knock you out." That shut you up pretty quick you also completely stopped moving. You wanted to stay to stay awake, you couldn't see but the man carrying you was approaching a car. You felt him move and you slid down, he let you down. What an idiot didn't he know you could run? You looked around then saw the other man and suddenly running didn't seem like such a good idea. 'Masky' popped open the truck of the car and tossed your suitcase in. Were you going into the truck too?!?

The hooded man opened the back car door and shoved you in. "Hey!" You said a little bit more then a little pissed. At least your weren't in the trunk. He just stared at you as the man with the jacket got into the passenger seat, then he slammed the door and made his way to the drivers seat.

We were already driving, what the fuck the police were no where to be seen. I hope he fucking crashes the car.


You were sitting behind the passenger seat as we pulled up to a gas station the two men took of their masks and the one with the hoodie turned to look at you. He had short brown hair and a bit of a moustache and had the most pretty hazel eyes. He was pretty attractive, is what you would have thought if he didn't kill your mom.

"Behave." Was all he said as he got out of the car. We had been driving for around a hour at this point, you had no idea where we were going and you hated it. You didn't want to but you had found your self dozing of every once in awhile you were going to pass out soon everything hurt and god you were tired.

You assumed he was done filling the gas tank as he got back into the car, while the other was probably buying stuff. It had been maybe like 10 minuets since we got here and the one referred to as 'masky' just walked out of the gas station holding two plastic bags. You could see his face.

He had dark brown hair and thick side burns and deep brown eyes. And to large red spots on his face probably from when you kicked him they would turn into nice bruises soon. He opened the car door and hopped in.

"Alright Brian, lets roll." He spoke like there wasn't a hostage in the back of his car. 'Brian' started the car and we were on the rode again.

You could feel all the adrenaline start to wear off...

acting skills (yandere masky x reader x yandere  hoodie)Where stories live. Discover now