Where It All Began

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You: A second-year high school student attending Ashiyama High School, with your childhood friend, Fuutarou Uesugi. He asks you if you could help him tutor students, which you decide to help. Read to find out what happens.

You are living alone while your parents live and work in Tokyo working some high-paying office job. They send money every month to pay for your living expenses. You get above-average grades without trying too hard. You work out every other day and also play many different video games. You are also a sub for the school's basketball team.

--Your POV--

It was the first period of the first day of your second year of high school and you were sitting in your assigned seat waiting for class to start. You were watching a Youtube video about cooking. When the teacher comes in and starts talking 

"Good morning class, today we have a new student." 

A girl with long reddish-pink hair with two butterfly ribbons tied on both sides of her hair walks into the class. 

"My name is Nino Nakano. I transferred from Korubara Girl's High School, Nice to my you all."

Everybody was staring at her, especially the boys. 

"Damnn she transferred from Korubara, she must be rich!" 

"Wonder if I could get her number?" 

"Damn she's cute and rich" 

You looked up at her for a few seconds and then went back to your Youtube video, she then walks to the empty seat beside yours and sits down. You thought about introducing yourself to her, but the teacher started the lesson. 

--Nino's POV--

"These boys are so disgusting, staring at me with their dirty thoughts," She thought while looking around the class and seeing a boy sitting at the back of the class besides the window. 

'There was an empty seat beside him, and he wasn't staring at me. He's really cute and exactly my type' she thought.

--Your POV--

After the long lesson, it was finally lunchtime, as I was packing my stuff and I saw Nino surrounded by guys trying to talk to her and trying to befriend her. 

"Yo Nino-Chan, have you gotten a tour of the school yet" 

"Can I get your number?" 

"Want to get lunch together?" 

She looked uncomfortable while trying to decline all the offers. So you finish packing all your stuff and went over to Nino and the guys surrounding Nino 

"Boys, Don't you think it's overwhelming for Nakano-San for a bunch of strangers surrounding her, If she says she doesn't want to then stop trying to force her," You said putting your hand on one of the guy's shoulder.

All the guys started to leave Nino alone, so you decided to leave too, you started making your way to the cafeteria when you felt a tug on my hoodie. You look back and it was that same girl you helped save from a bunch of pervert guys.

"Thanks for saving me back there, uh w-want to walk to the cafeteria together." she asked while blushing and looking down at the floor avoiding eye contact. 


You both walk to the cafeteria talking about the school and what you were interested in. You learn that she is an amazing cook and cooks every day. 

"Really? I would love to try something you make one day." You say making her giggle and blush.

"Hopefully one day, one day" She replied.

You x Nino NakanoWhere stories live. Discover now