Unfreezing Terror

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Three years ago a terrible monster emerged in Japan shortly after the supposed suicide of Goro Maki. That damn thing caused so much damage in such a short span of time, later it emerged again, but much larger than before and with a harder and blacker skin tone. It could reach Tokyo within 3 hours if we didn't slow it down.. well.. we couldn't even penatrate its damn skin. Until the U.S. came and bombed the back of the thing, but we didn't think it could strike us back. Eventually we defeated Gojira by freezing him, then we transported the fucker to an island in the middle of the Atlantic, Travernard... and placed him on a small nearby island that's good enough away from civilization guarded by the Travernard military. I hope I won't see the damn monster ever again.. Also... during the transportation, I looked down at the monster's tail, and I feel like I saw humanoid shapes on it, and a skull underneath the tail's skin... but it was probably my imagination making it up..

The Year is now 2019, and I've got a strange feeling that something is going to happen, but I just don't know what.

Rando Yaguchi walks away from the camera to do.. Prime Minister stuff.

[Early Morning in Travernard Track]

Meanwhile in Joaxouver, Travernard, the president, Michael Travernard, is enjoying another peaceful day in his city drinking coffee and staring at the morning sky. Thinking about how good life is on Travernard, he takes another sip of his coffee before getting up and walking to his office.

[Unfreezing Terror Track]

Gojira's frozen eyes start to unfreeze, he looks around the surrounding area before his skin begins to crack.

The guards in the guard towers unfortunately don't notice this until it's too late. Suddenly, a loud crack is heard from the frozen body of Shin Godzilla, the guards aim their guns at it as one guard calls for backup.
Something bursts out of Shin Godzilla's old corpse and looks around with his jaw unhinged. Eventually, all the old skin falls off, revealing a layer of skin which also peels off due to the blood coagulant, finally revealing an Abomination of organs and two eyes stitched together by remnants of its skin to keep the organs from falling to the ground. Soon, the humanoid creatures on its tail unfreeze and cry and screech before detaching themselves from the tail and crawling down it and onto the ground and walking towards the fences containing them. The guards, out of horror, start shooting the humanoid creatures, who direct their attention at them and start climbing the towers and grabbing the guards before brutally eating them alive. After doing so, they climb over the fences just as the backup arrives. Hesitantly the Travernard military fire upon the humanoid creatures as they begin evolving different sizes, wings, and more. Overwhelmed by the humanoids, the military begins retreating as The Obscenity escapes its container and heads to the ocean with the humanoids not far behind.

Meanwhile, a group of scientists are researching the dorsal of Shin Godzilla that fell when the B-2 spirit bombers struck his back in 2016. Eventually, Kayako Ann Patterson wanted to see the subject for herself. Unexpectedly, the eye snapped to look at her direction, she jumped back in fright before calming down and continues looking at it for a minute before exiting the room.

The Obscenity swims to the first city as his blood makes a trail on the ocean. The army from before report the situation to Michael. Hesitantly, he sends a EAS to Dovebin, Travernard.

A news brodcast shows an ongoing police chase before flickering off and turns to a EAS alert. A group of people watching it get scared while others start panicking as Michael sends the military to evacuate citizens.

[The Tyranny of God Track]

The Obscenity comes ashore, bleeding on the shoreline as he stumbles onto the island. Seeing this, everyone starts screaming in terror as it marches onward. Meanwhile in the sewers, some humanoids are crawling through it, and bursting through the manholes they come across.
Soon, not just one city is being attacked, three of them are. The humanoids start killing citizens by either carrying them away and dropping them from a great height, eating them alive, or smashing them to blood puddles and crushed body parts on the ground.

Too many cities are being attacked at once, this overwhelms Michael. But eventually he sits down to breather. Eventually, the vice president, Harold Wilson, joins him and has a conversation with him before getting to the current problem.

"Doctor, we've talked about good many things, but there's one thing we haven't talked about. Have you thought about the problem your country is having right now?"

"Yes, of course."

"You know we have to do something to save those who can be saved, and quickly. So.. what plan do you have to do it?"


The Obscenity continues marching through Dovebin, flooding the city with his blood as citizens panic and scream. Some are stupid enough to stop and tale pictures of it, only to get either crushed to death or melted by the monster's blood.
Michael plans to get the entire military to help evacuate those who can be saved, with the next step to the plan coming soon.

This event is causing more damage and death than the events of 2016.

Much like the previous incident in 2016, The Obscenity causes more destruction and chaos as it stumbles through the city. In other parts of the country, the humanoids evolve even more. The EAS brodcast tells citizens to head to safe areas of their cities so the military can evacuate them before Travernard goes into a country-wide blackout due to the a large humanoid dubbed "Big One" cutting Travernard off from the rest of the world.

To Be Continued...
Thank you for reading the new version for SGTTOG, I'll see you in Part 3!

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