chapter 1

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"Father...." Todoroki calls out huffing and panting into the livingroom, holding his sides. "Father, I don't feel well..." He manages through pants.

Endeavor immediately jumps to his feet and walks to the youngest child. He places his hand on the boys forehead. "You are burning up." He states.

"My stomach hurts aswell." Todoroki adds.

"Fuyumi! I'm taking your brother into the emergency room!" Endeavor shouts.

"I don't think it's an emergency." Fuyumi comes out of her room. "He m-"

"An alpha should not be feeling this way during their first rut." Endeavor interrupts.

When they arrive Endeavor barges his way into the building with his son in his arms. "My son needs help now!"  He shouts. Three doctors come running up, asking what is wrong and take the young boy into a room.

Hours pass and Endeavor waits in the hall.

The doctor comes out of the room. He looks over at the number one hero, Endeavor. "Well? What is wrong with my son?" Endeavor asks.

"Nothing is wrong. He's just presented his rank." The doctor informs.

"And?" Endeavor growls becoming impatient.

"Hes a rare male omega." The doctor states.

"A weak omega?" Endeavor growls. "This won't do."

"Sir, it's not that bad. Infact, it's a good thing. We don't have many male omegas anymore. And female omegas are starting decrease in population aswell. This way your son can bare more alphas for the world with possible omegas." The doctor tries.

"Yeah for another family. The Todoroki family will die with me at this point." Endeavor whines.

Todoroki comes out of the room and meets with his father and doctor. "I did give him some heat tamers, otherwise known as suppressants. They are not to be used all the time. Only use them when the heat is too unbearable."

"if you are not a male alpha you are useless." Endeavor growls as he ignores the doctor and turns to leave.

That was three months ago when Todoroki presented his rank. And since then Endeavor has been treating todoroki like he doesn't matter.

He still trains him but only because he believes Todorokis older siblings Natsou and Fuyumi will have no chance at all on taking the number one heroes place.

However, the training isn't like it use to be. Todoroki considered it bareable for awhile but since the day he presented as an omega, it has gotten worse.

There are days that Todoroki has been out cold on the basement floor for three days straight and Endeavor didn't even bother to check on him. All he could say when todoroki woke up was "if you are that weak you might aswell give up being a hero."

Home may have gotten worse for him but school not so much.

His friends haven't changed how they see him. Even though most of the class have presented as alphas. A few presented as Betas and only a couple as other omegas.

There was no surprise to the fact that Bakugo and Midoriya, otherwise known as deku, presented as alphas. The main two people Todoroki hung out with.

At first the two fought over Todoroki, for awhile there, but only one managed to get Todorokis full attention.

"Babe!" Bakugo calls out grabbing Todorokis attention from his phone. "What the hell happened last night? I tried calling you."

"Oh uh..." Todoroki tries to make up a lie of why he wasn't near his phone because he knows if he told the truth to him Bakugo would snap and attempt to kill Endeavor. "I lost my phone and couldn't find it till this morning." He lies.

"Mmmhmmm..." bakugo looks and sees a new bruise around todorokis neck. "And that?" He points.

"Uh that? It's nothing." Todoroki tries to push the subject off.

"Hey guys!" Deku comes and interrupts the two. Todoroki secretly relieved.

"What do you want nerd?" Bakugo growls.

"Just thought I'd walk with you guys to school." Deku answers. "So what's new with you two? Did you guys have a good weekend?"

"Sure." Bakugo growls.

"Yeah." Todoroki lies. "What about you?" He asks.

"Mine was fine. I mostly spent time with uraraka." Deku answers. "I think she likes me."

"Well no shit you idiot." Bakugo growls. "It's that fucking obvious!"


"Yeah midoriya everyone in class knew..." todoroki pitches in.

"I'm such an idiot..." deku mumbles.

"Get over it!" Bakugo slaps him on the back of the head.

*******todorokis p.o.v.*******

I chuckle a bit as midoriya finally realizes the girl he likes has liked him back this entire time.

It's good to see him moving on from me.

My phone goes off and I look to see a text message from an unknown number.

'We need to talk. Meet me by the abandoned park, and try not to be late Shoto.'

"So babe!" Bakugo grabs my attention by wrapping his arms around my waist. "Who's that?"

"I have no idea." I answer handing him my phone so he can read it.

"You're not going are you?" He asks.

"That looks sketchy..." midoriya chimes in.

"Of course I'm not going. I don't even know who it is." I state, taking my phone back.

Although I couldn't get it out of my head of who would know my name and number with an unknown number and ask to meet me at an abandoned park. I try to not think about it but it keeps coming up as who could it be.

I wonder if it could be natsou or fuyumi with numbers that father don't know about. But they would have said who they were or gave hints. It's obviously not bakugo and midoriya. No one else in class calls me shoto.

"Babe!" I jump to the sound of bakugo slamming his hand on my desk. "Class is over, time for lunch." He states.


"Let's go." Bakugo grabs my hand and pulls me out of the classroom.

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