Cherry Bomb! (Mike Schmidt) Pt.2 (SFW CHP).

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A few days had passed since the incident with Mike had occurred in the office. The two of us had not been scheduled to work together since, something I was silently grateful for. I had mixed feelings about what we did. The time and the place were not appropriate and the way we went about it was - off, to say the least. 

Tonight, however, Iʻd be working with Mike once again. I hadnʻt talked to him nor seen him since that night and I had to admit I was nervous to confront him again. I hoped the nerves would calm themself as I entered the building for yet another shift, but I was praying on false hopes. My nerves only spiked as I neared the office at the back of the building. Mikeʻs car had been parked up front, though I couldnʻt say I was surprised. He had always been the first of us to get here, no matter what. 

My steps slowly came to a pause a few feet away from the entrance of the office. Was I actually ready to confront him? My adrenaline-filled nerves screamed in protest, but my mind knew what had to happen. Taking in a deep breath, I mustered up the courage to make that final journey into the office. As I expected, Mike was already sitting there. Though, his demeanor was not what was normally expected of him. Usually, Mike was cool, calm, and collected. He never seemed to have a bother in the world. Today, however, was a different story. Mike sat forward in his seat, elbows pressed against his knees. His hands were wringing each other, awkwardly clasped together. His leg bounced without end, head turned away from me. I couldnʻt see his face, but his body language was enough to tell me he was also nervous to be around me.

I cleared my throat as I finished making my way into the office, taking my seat a few feet away from him. Mikeʻs head quickly turned to look in my direction, a shaky breath being pulled from his throat. He was startled and there was no hiding that.

"Hey." The word came out of my mouth with little to no emotion. I leaned back in my chair, staring at the wall of the hallway beyond the door. I heard the creak of his chair as he adjusted, clearing his throat as well.

"Ah, yeah. Hey." The awkward silence that fell between us was suffocating. Neither of us said anything, though I knew both of us wanted to speak to each other. Mike took in a breath, but before he could say anything the phone on the desk rang. I leaned forward and picked up, the voice of our boss speaking to us from the other side. After the call, Mike attempted to start the conversation again. I brought my hand up, killing his attempt in the process. 

"Save it for later, Schmidt. Letʻs just focus on the task at hand." A noise of defeat came from him, but he didnʻt protest. Throughout our shift, neither of us looked at each other. The only time we spoke was when a door needed to be closed or when one needed to look at the cameras. Six hours felt like ages, longer than any shift we had completed before. As the six am alarm rang a sigh of relief came from the two of us. A few beats later I stood, starting to pack up. I heard the creak of Mike standing from his chair, followed by him approaching me. Mike cleared his throat and this time I let him speak.

"If youʻre free... do you want to go get some coffee?"

That was how I found myself here, in a hole-in-the-wall diner with Mike. It beat staying in the office and only the Lord knows how hungry and in need of coffee I was. I cradled the hot cup of liquid caffeine in my hands, staring down at the table. Neither of us had spoken yet. 

"I wanted to say that Iʻm sorry." I looked up at Mike who was nervously playing with his hands. I stared at him for a few beats before smiling softly. 

"Thanks, I appreciate that.." Mike seemed surprised that I responded, a smile crawling onto his features. 

"The way I went about everything was- not what I should have done. I should have prepped you, I should have treated you gentler, I should have done proper after ca-" His words were cut short by my finger against his lips, my face a deep shade of red.

"Donʻt speak about that so loud!" I whisper shouted between clenched teeth, embarrassment filling my tone. I cleared my throat, sitting back down in my seat. Mikeʻs face was also red, a nervous laugh coming from him. 

"Sorry- sorry." He smiled nervously before taking a sip of his own coffee. He continued to speak. "Still, as I was saying. I did everything wrong. Iʻm sorry about that. Not to mention the place...that must have been extremely uncomfortable for you." I nodded in agreement. It indeed was uncomfortable for me to lay against. I sighed, taking one of his hands in mine. He stared at our connected hands, fighting back a smile.

"Youʻre right. There was a lot that was uncomfortable. That I wish you had done differently." Mike shrunk back in his seat at my words. I sighed, leaning against the table. "But - what happened that night is what happened. I donʻt regret it at all." I pat his hand gingerly before retracting mine back to my cup of coffee. Our empty plates were taken from our table and a check was left behind. Before I could grab it to pay for my half, it was already in Mikeʻs hand, his card tucked neatly in its respective pocket. 

"I got it, donʻt worry." We smiled at each other before he walked up to pay the check.

Outside we stood by our cars, not wanting to make the treks back to our houses just yet. A cigarette was lighted in Mikeʻs hand, the smoke fluttering around him. I swatted at the smoke that came to me, taking a few steps back to hopefully be out of its range. 

"So..." Mike started, glancing over in my direction. "What does this make us? Are we still just - co-workers?" I was taken aback by the question, as honestly, I hadnʻt thought about that. After a moment, I smiled.

"Iʻd be lying if I said I didnʻt like you, Mike. But-"

"You think we should take it slow, figure it out?" I laughed a bit as he finished my sentence. It was what I had been thinking. 

"As slow as we can, I mean. I feel like we skipped a few chapters." He gave a weary laugh at that statement, his freehand falling to his pocket.

"Right. Well, either way, I want the same thing, too. Just take some time to really figure out what we want." We both nodded, the silence between us feeling comfortable. Shifting on my feet, I checked the time. It was nearly eight am already and I was beat. With a hum I took a step forward, grabbing onto the wrist of the hand that Mike held his cigarette. I leaned up and kissed his cheek, smiling gingerly. 

"Iʻm going to head out, alright?" I stated as I took steps away from Mike and towards my car. He seemed flustered, clearing his throat again when I spoke. As I got into my car I heard him finally formulate what he wanted to say.

"Ah- right! Drive safe - text me when you get home." He grinned and I smiled back at him. As I started to reverse I rolled up my window, taking my eyes off of him. 

"Maybe... this wouldnʻt be so bad."



Wow did I say Iʻd update on March 6th of 2021?? I meant May 6th of 2022 obviously. Hah. Totally.

Anyways yes, Iʻm sorry this took me so long. My life has been crazy!

Can you guys believe I wrote Chapter 1 all the way back in 2017??

Only had to wait 5 years for part two of chapter 1 lol.

Anyways! I wrote chapter 1 all the way when I was a 7th grader...crazy. Thereʻs a lot I would change about it. But, I might get to that another day. Also I realized some confusion on not knowing what characters look like. The picture header of each chapter is what the fnaf character looks like for the chapter!

Hopefully I wonʻt wait another 5 years to write part 3 lol. 

Drink water and take care of yourself! 

~ Aero

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2022 ⏰

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