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Du brauchst:

Ein Messer
Eine Kerze
Nachts (3 Uhr)
Dunkler, leerer Raum
Ein Comicbuch

So funktioniert's:

Gehe um drei Uhr Nachts mit den Materialien in einen dunklen und leeren Raum. Schneide dir mit dem Messer in den Finger und zeichne ein Pentagram. Setze an der Oberen Zacke des Sternes das "Z" und gehe dann im Uhrzeigersinn rum, sodass ebenfalls die Buchstaben "A", "L", "G" und "O" um das Pentagram herum zu sehen sind. Zünde nun die Kerze an und stelle sie in die Mitte des Pentagrams. Singe nun (Ja, du darfst ablesen):

"He who waits behind the wall

He who waits to end it all

All that you know, all that you are

He will tear it apart and leave you afar

He called upon the beast to devour your soul

He will take the world and make it unwhole

He comes

Who will sing the end the earth

Such a beautiful song

He awaits this night

He awaits darkness

He who wait behind the wall

He is the chaotic hivemind

Eating my soul

Making me unwhole

One with him

Chaos and casualty both bereft

With order without chaos

There is no order left

He waits for this

He who waits behind the wall

Waits for the call to set him free

He will destroy it all

All will be laid to rest at his hands

He will make it all his

If you let him

You will let him

He will sing the song

The sing to end the earth

He is the one without eyes

He is the one without shape

He will be the one who lies

He will be the one who will rape

Through this shattered world

Through my blackened eyes

Through this curled fate

Through this world's revise

I will sing the song

Through me he will sing

Sing the song all day long

For him I will bring up bring these spawn into this cruel world

Of what we thread on

Of which we've been hurled

I will sing the song

And it will go like this

Serenade the end

With the beat that you all know

The heart beat of the earth

The song of the soul

Hold on closely to your heart

For it's the songs rhythm

Everyone is the drum

Everyone is the song

He waits behind the wall

In a palace of tortured glass

Served by legions forged by the

Tears of the sleepless dead

And clad in armor

Carved from the suffering of

In his right hand he holds a dead star

And in his left hand he hold the candle whose light is shadow

His left hand is stained with the blood of Ahm Dhaegar

His six mouths speaks in different tongues

And his seventh shall sing the song that ends the earth

He comes."

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