Chapter 1 - I guess I'm normal

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  • Dedicated to My triplets !!! Hannah and Popo xxx

Running Smoothly

Chapter 1 - I guess I'm normal

~Sophia's point of view~

I tapped my pencil against my desk and bit back a yawn. I looked around slightly. A total of 1...2 .. two people were actually paying attention. My best friend Molly was actually asleep. I smirked at her. Then I was interrupted by Mr Hampson banging a whiteboard rubber on my desk.

"Am I keeping you awake Miss Emerald?" He boomed. I watched as he went red with anger and it looked like steam should be shooting out of his ears.

"Yeah actually you are sir," I let out the yawn that I'd been holding back. Mr Hampson started to shake with anger.

"And how many others am I keeping awake right now?" He turned to the rest of the class. Everyone but the two nerds at the front and Molly put their hands up. Mr Hampson calmed down a little and sighed. Everyone knew that Mr Hampson hated giving out detentions because detentions meant staying behind after school and Mr Hampson hated that. He then looked at Molly, her face was hidden by her arms.

"And what about you Miss Rodgers? Are you being kept from your slumber?" Mr Hampson questioned. There was silence. And that was when Molly's gentle snores could be heard. The whole class burst out laughing. Molly sprung upright in her chair.

"I'm awake, I'm awake!" She yelled. Everyone continued to laugh.

"I'm aware of that Miss Rodgers," Mr Hampson said. Before he could continue the bell rang and everyone threw their stuff in their bags and headed out of the classroom. Molly and I found each other and walked side by side.

"I don't like Mr Hampson," Molly pouted, slinging her bag onto her shoulder. I laughed.

"Who does," I replied. We continued to talk until we spotted our other best friend Bessie leant up against a wall, on her phone. We made our way over to her and stood in front of her.

"Who are you texting?" Molly asked.

Bessie looked up and smiled at us.

"My new boyfriend!" She said excitedly.

"Spill!" I demanded. Bessie locked her phone and pushed it into the pocket of her coat. Her blue eyes were sparkling and she was practically glowing.

"He's called Harry. I met him ages ago but he's been on tour so he's coming to visit me today!" She squealed.

"Tour? You mean he's famous?" I asked.

"What's his full name?" Molly added.

"Harry Styles," She said. Molly and I looked at each other.

"Really?" We asked in unison. Bessie nodded.

It figured that Bessie would date a pop star. I mean she was one of the prettiest people in our school. She had blonde hair, blue eyes and a perfect figure. She hadn't had many boyfriends, because her big sister had always told her which type of boy would treat her best and lets be honest, how many nice boys are in a sixth form college?

Molly was pretty too. She had reddish brown hair and she was never short of admirers. She always had a different boyfriend, but she wasn't a slut, she just felt sorry for all the boys that asked her out.

I wasn't as pretty as either of my best friends, I had brown curly hair and bright green eyes, my mum always said I was an Emerald through and through including my eyes. But I always knew deep down that they weren't my real parents, they just didn't look like me. I still loved them like they were my parents but when I found the adoption certificate, that just settled my mind a little. Apart from constantly wondering who my real parents were.

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