August 11

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Today is the first day of drama. My older brother Jaxon this morning was telling me all the stuff to not do. He is in 9th grade where we live is middle school so he knows the dos and don'ts. I guess some of them were good but the rest were just trash. Walking out the door my baby brother Levi was saying goodbye. Me and my brother walked to the bus stop and I met this nice girl. That's where I met my first close friend of the year. See I move a lot so now that my mom and dad didn't want to stay where we were, it's not that they didn't like it, it's just not a good school or community. We moved to live closer to my mom's sisters, one of which is aunt Madelyn and my cousins Lily who is a year younger, and Luca who is about to be 4. Lily skipped a grade though so she is here at this bus stop. I don't know where though I haven't got the chance to meet her. I moved so much that we didn't have the time. So while getting on the bus which I say was 10 minutes late  I bumped into this girl. She said sorry I asked to sit with her and she said ya. Yes it does seem like a weird way to make a friend but you know ways when you move so much. We talked the whole bus ride. She was in most of my classes. She was in both ELAs, my Math class STEM and Geography and I had a second lunch and she did too. I never asked her name though I wouldn't have remembered it anyway. But at lunch I got this really good-looking pizza but before I could take a bite my brother walked up and guess who he had with him. It was my new friend and he introduced her as my cousin. No complaints and all but just wow. She was my cousin Lily and she looked surprised that Jaxon had already met her because he went over the day before to tell her if she needed any help he would be there at lunch and the bus stop. Lucky me the only friend I  find is my cousin. At least she lives next door. My brother walked off to his friends and I  started to talk about my classes but instead of it being an instant click of talking it was kind of awkward. I should have asked her name in the other classes we had together but she sat away from me.

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