Chapter 1

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Third person POV

Tommy was bored. Like, really bored. So bored that he wanted to go downstairs and bother Technoblade. But he couldn't, considering Dream was still after him.

He sighed and tossed a potion in between his bandaged hands. He ended up throwing the potion and it shattered, causing him to jump. Technoblade opened the door slightly and raised an eyebrow.

"Everything okay in here Toms?" Techno asked softly. He learned that Tommy needed to be spoken to softly if he wants an answer. "Everything's fine, bastard." Tommy said while sitting up.

Techno sighed and came into Tommy's room fully while closing the door. "Theseus, you know I want you to be able to come down, but I can't risk it. Dream's supposed to be coming over today because Phil wanted to talk to him." Techno said, his voice full of grief and a little bit of confusion.

Tommy stiffened at the thought of Dream being at Techno's house, but he brushed it off rather quickly. Techno noticed Tommy tense and he gave an apologetic smile. "Sorry bud"

Tommy shrugged and fell back onto his bed. "It's whatever" Techno's ears perked up at the sound of voices and he waved before tossing Tommy a potion. By the looks of it, it was invisibility.

Confused, Tommy looked back up at what was supposed to be Techno, but he just was met with his door. Sighing, he noticed the number 8:00 before placing it in his inventory. He he laid on his bed, his thoughts consumed him.

What if they're talking about me? What would I do? I don't have anywhere else to go.. Maybe Fundy would understand? No, he's with Tubbo now, and he would surely turn me in.

Looking at his inventory, he stared at the invisibility potion. What if he just.. He quickly downed the potion and stood up, taking quiet steps towards the voices, them getting closer as he left his room. One great thing about growing up with trauma is that you can walk without being heard.

Stopping when he could hear the voices closely, he listened in, curious. His heart was pounding In his chest, knowing that dream was so close.

"We know where Tommy is, and we would like to make a proposition"

Phil. That was who said it. Tommy could feel his heart breaking and he peaked around the corner. Both Dream and Techno were in shock. Phil was trying to keep himself composed as well.

"Yes, Ofcourse. As long as I get Tommy back, I don't care what it is." Dream said seriously. Tommy shivered and balled his fists, his nails cutting into the palm of his hand. He had to leave. Now.

Tommy crept back up to his room. Taking one of Techno's capes that he stole, he wrapped it around himself and started to gather the needed materials to be awhile. He had to go somewhere, obviously. But where? He couldn't go anywhere because everyone had turned against him.

Then he remembered Phil's library. He had all types of books. Fiction, non-fiction, medical books. He even had summoning books. He used them to summon his wife, Lady death herself. Tommy just called her mumza because it was easier and she didn't care.

Grabbing some of the potions and food Techno gave him, he quickly stuffed them into his small bag. Maybe there was a different world he could go to. Or maybe he would get caught and be killed. Who knows.

He broke the wood and jumped, rubbing his ankles. The snow was definitely soft and Tommy was light, but jumping from the second story isn't very ideal. With his bag on his back, he started running, occasionally eating to get his hunger back up.

Technoblade POV

I was panicking at what Phil said. I never agreed to this! Dream was obviously just as shocked as I was. I could see the possessiveness in his eyes. He wanted Tommy and not for good reasons.

I heard rustling up in Tommy's room and I prayed to whatever fucking higher being there was, that Tommy was not doing this on purpose and the others would not hear him. Luck was apparently on my side because the rustling soon stopped.

"So, do you agree Techno?"


I looked at Phil and he tilted his head. "You okay Techno? You look really stressed out mate" I grumbled and waved him off. "I'm fine Phil. The voices are just very loud." He nodded and looked back to Dream, who had his brows furrowed in confused.

"Anyways, we were talking about how we would give Tommy away for protection on both of our houses." Dream nodded as to confirm and I narrowed my eyes. "How do we know we can trust him?" I was very skeptical of this whole thing.

"I will give you something valuable of mine once I get Tommy. If I fail to protect you and your houses, you destroy what that thing is." I raised an eyebrow. Whatever it is, he must be real confident he's getting Tommy if he's letting us know he has private stuff.

"Let's go get him now, yeah?" Phil basically stated, he just didn't want to be rude so he added a questioning tone. Dream was definitely smiling evilly under the mask. I stayed right were I was, and the voices were definitely not helping.

"Tommy's in danger. Tommy's okay. He's annoying. EEEEEEEE. GO HELP TOMMY. TOMMY. He's in danger!! Save him!! "

I groaned. They were so loud. Kind of like Tommy. They were invisible Tommy's in his head that were addicted to blood. How fun.

I heard a scream of anger and I quickly ran up the stairs to find Dream seething at the trashed room. Phil looked angry as well, but more at the fact that he had to clean than the fact that Tommy was gone.

Dream pointed an accusatory finger at me. "It was you, wasn't it!? You let Tommy go on purpose!" I was offended that he would think that, especially when I was only helping Tommy out, not taking care of him.

"You think I did this? This was all Tommy! He probably overheard our conversation and left as soon as he could. Who knows where he is right now!"

Well That Wasn't Supposed to Happen..  | A Creepypasta × Mcyt crossover |Where stories live. Discover now