Going Under Cover?

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In between everyday training, we followed orders from the crows, and each of us went out to defeat demons.

When Zenitsu went on a mission alone, he no longer throws tantrums. 

"Give me a stand of Nezuko-chan's hair. I promise I'll do my best." I listened to him say as beads of sweat rolled off his sticky skin

Inosuke is more assaulting like a pig than before.

"Run until your bones break! Come on you pipsqueak!" 

'But aren't I older?...' 

As The four of us ran with a bundle of bamboo sticks on our shoulders Tanjiro yelled out

"We're almost there. Hang on!" 

"What am I supposed to hang onto?  My dignity?!" I yelled out

I held on tighter to the bundle 

"Nezuko-chan!" Zenitsu blurted out as he raised his bundle high 

"South-east! South-east!" The kasugai crow repeated

"A strange figure spotted on the outskirts of a town! People going missing!"

"South-east! South-east!"

He continued to repeat as I cleaned my sword

"Mhm, I'll be there in a second." 

I sighed and sheathed my sword.

"Give me two minutes, I'll be ready."

Not long after I'd finished getting ready and we left, the rain poured hard that day, though luckily I made it in time to spot a figure moving around in the treeline near farmland. 

Looking around the plain looked empty due to the heavy rains so I unsheathed my sword.

"I don't like playing hide and seek, come out now." I said looking around

Now in the middle of the farmland, I saw a rustling a few meters to my left, I swiftly turned and readied my sword.

A ripple of water from behind me, I quickly and braced for impact as the figure lunged toward me.

A demon, horns like one of a bull's, waist-length hair and average physique. 

'Doesn't seem like much of a hassle' 

The demon charged at me and I moved to the side, it quickly maneuvered and faced me again this time I faced it head-on.

The blow was strong truly like a bull's, I pushed the demon back and used my 7th form to create shadow hands and immobilized the demon. 

"You may have the strength of a bull but you also have their intelligence, pathetic."

I swiftly decapitated the demon and spoke to the Kasugai crow.

"A single hostile has been eliminated, no sign of any stragglers, the villagers are safe." 

Once I finished the crow flew into the direction of the headquarters and I returned to the mansion soaking wet, what? you think I'd wear a sort of jacket or bring some umbrella? of course not.


The following day the rain stopped, unluckily, I got scolded. 

𝙰 𝙳𝚊𝚛𝚔 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎| 𝘿𝙖𝙠𝙞𝙭𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now