Rating Game Ch.21

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After the 10 days of training it was finally time for the rating game to start. You weren't nervous however you did notice the rest were.

Issei was sweating as the minutes waiting for the game to start felt like hours to him

Kiba was pacing around the room probably playing possible scenario's in his head to try and gain the upper hand

Koneko held a chocolate bar in her hand however she didnt even touch it as she was too busy in thought

Asia was trying to cheer Issei up but even she knows that this will be a hard fight

Akeno was smiling however unlike before you could obviously see her nervousness.

Rias however was determined. From the past few days that me and Artoria have been giving them. Rias had gain new found determination, or was it arrogance? Who's to say but she definately excited to beat the chicken's ass back to hell.

Rias: Don't be nervous guys! The training that Y/n-san gave us allowed us to surpass our limits. I have no doubt we can beat the phoenix's ass!

Issei: Your right Prez! We've already faced through worse!

As soon as he said that everyone's face seemed to fall abit, seemingly grimacing the training I put them through.

I smile as I try to encourage them some more.

Y/n: Hey if you guys win. I'll no doubt make a feast for your victory!

Seemingly working everyone got into serious mode with a new fire in their eye.

Koneko: We have to win for Prez and the food

You chuckle a bit at that remark as you pet her head

Y/n: Go get em'

She nods as she appreciates the head pat until the door opens revealing Sona

Sona: Hello there, I see that your all ready?

Rias: You bet!

Sona smiles as her friend's determination

Sona: You better win Rias

Rias: No other outcome, Sona

They both smile at each other as Grayfia appears into the room

Grayfia: Hello there lady Rias, I assume your ready for the rating game

Rias: Yes, take us to the arena

I take a moment to look at all of them in the eye and nod signalling that you think they are ready

Y/n: Give the ORC a victory

They all smile at you

Rias: Mhm! We shall being back victory

She nods at Grayfia as she summons a magic circle to teleport them to the arena

Sona: Lets get going, Y/n-san

Y/n: Sure thing pres

She gestures me to follow her as I get up and walk with her to the viewing room

Sona: Did you really train them?

Y/n: Yup

Sona: And you think they can win

Y/n: Nah..... I know they can

She smiles as you both enter the viewing room and see the arena with several people in the room

???: Ah, is that the human who is apart of Rias's club?

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