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After one year of college, you decided it just wasn't for you, so instead, you got a job working at Spencer's in Sheznayan mall.

You'd been searching for a place to stay, preferably with a roommate, which led you to find a roommate application nearby. Although it was hella shady, what's the worst that could happen?

And that's what led you here, in front of the apartment door shaky and hesitant to knock on the door. Sweat started to form as you debated knocking. The apartment complex is so fancy and polished- it's a nice place but no guarantee your roommate will be as nice as the complex.

The door opens, snapping you out of your thoughts and doubts. "Oh hi, I'm guessing you're my new roommate?"

As you look up you see a boy about your height, with a couple of piercings, good style, and purple hair.

All doubts you'd had were instantly removed from your head once you met his bloodshot eyes, not to mention his eye bags. It was hard not to drool and simp.

"Ah yes, I'm y-/n" you put your hand out as a greeting, to which the boy looked puzzled. "A- uh" The Raven-haired boy stuck his hand out too, with a blush on his face from embarrassment.

You grab his hand a give him a handshake. "Great to meet you-----"

"Scaramouche" the boy cringes at his mistake of not introducing himself.

You smile warmly, that is until you notice his hands oh Lord, please have mercy- and forgive me for my thoughts

"You can come in now?" The boy moves out of the doorway and plops on the couch.

No help with luggage? Ugh, he's certainly not a gentleman.

Upon walking in, the place is a mess, but at least an aesthetically pleasing mess of posters and comfy clutter.

The place smelled strongly of cigarettes, but it's a smell you don't mind.

"GET IN HERE ASSHOLES" the Raven head suddenly started shouting, scaring the life out of you.


as you were about to run away to where your luggage was (outside the door) a white-haired guy with a man bun stepped out from one of the doors leading to the living area.

"Hi, there" the guy examines you thoroughly.

"Hello," you say, starting to sweat and feel scared again.

The room was so awkward and hard to read.

"Y-/n, this is Kazuha, one of our roommates, and our other roommate is Xiao"

"Nice to meet you, allow me to help with your suitcases" 'Kazuha' insists whilst walking towards your luggage to pick it up.

"Make yourself at home" Kazuha charms before walking into your supposed new room to place your things.

Such a fine man, despite him being punk he is such a gentemen~

It's wrong, you don't even know them but you're fanboying over them already.

But that's typical of you.

After you'd sat down on the opposite side of the couch Scaramouche was sitting on, the door opened once again.

A guy yet again, around your height, with green and black spiky hair, walks into the dorm all sweaty with earbuds in, obviously was somewhere working out, you could tell by the gym clothes.

"Is this a new roommate?" The boy questions the raven-haired Scaramouche. Scaramouche nods his head as if saying yes

"This is y/n, he's our new roomie, and y/n this is Xiao, you two will be sharing a bunk."

Xiao sighs "keep him in here until I get the room cleaned up"

Scaramouche rolls his eyes and lays his head back onto the couch's armrest.

He then proceeds to reach into his pocket and grabs a pack of cigarettes.
The familiar sound of the wrapper being opened brung back memories from when you were much younger.

"How old are you by the way?" You strike an attempted conversation.

"25, then I'm sure you're curious about the ages of the others so I'll just tell you, Kazuha is 21 and Xiao is 23."

"Oh, nice! I'm 21"

Your small talk was interrupted by Xiao calling you into the room.

You hesitantly stand up from the couch and walk into the room. The bunk bed was nice, so was all the posters from bands you recognized and liked. Your bags where sitting to the right side of the bed.

"Youre taking top bunk if you're okay with that, I keep bumping my head in the morning so I can't sleep up there anymore"

"I prefer the top bunk, so thanks! By the way I love your posters and decor" you compliment the green haired beauty.

"Thanks, do you need any help unpacking?" The boy offers to help but you feel he's done enough already by cleaning the room last minute for you.

"No I can do it on my own, but thanks a lot for the offer" you say giving a warm smile.


A/n: Hey it's Rin here, sorry about the short chapter, please point out any mistakes and I will correct them :D

I hope everyone enjoys the new series! <3

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