part two

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You wake up to comforting light coming in through the window and an empty room.

Everyone was already in the living room. You must've fallen asleep after you finished unpacking.

The sweet smell of French toast and waffles wafted through the air, convincing you to fully wake up and get ready.

You'd change into a shirt, you assumed it was yours but you were too tired to see the design. You then changed your pajama shorts out for your favorite sweat pants.

After brushing and styling your hair you headed for the living room.

The moment you opened the door everyone said good morning. That was until they noticed your shirt. Xiao blushed and the others snickered.

You were too tired to comprehend what was happening.

You sat down next to xiao, as it was the only other seat at the table. You then noticed Xiao was shirtless and only wearing black boxers, which caused you to look away instantly. To keep yourself from blushing and getting caught looking.

Kazuha handed you a plate and told you to help yourself. "Ah sorry I don't eat this early in the morning "

"That's fine, Scaramouche doesn't either. " the white-haired boy then flicks Scaramouche to wake him up from his table nap.

His purple eyes looked so ready to kill everyone at the table.

"Do you guys have any plans today?" Xiao asks the whole group.

Everyone seemed to be busy, going off of their replies.

"I have work tomorrow" you reply before sighing in dread.

"Second question, why are you wearing a xiaos shirt huh? " your face instantly turns red and you feel your heart sink as you look down to see that you are wearing a shirt that does not belong to you. with the print of 4nemo printed onto it.

"I must've accidentally slipped it on when I first woke up" Kazuha breaks out into a laughing fit "I'm so sorry!" you apologize to the green-haired boy sitting next to you at the table.

"it's all good don't worry," the boy said with a reassuring smile Kazuha then stands up from the table. "alright I'm off to the arcade, have fun you three!"

Kazuha walks out of the door, and a moment of awkward silence sweeps over everyone at the table. you're still embarrassed,  wearing someone else shirt without even asking or realizing it.

the silence is broken when Scaramouche grabs a pack of unopened cigarettes and lights one "anyone want one?" the raven-haired boy questions. "

"sure" you and your green-haired bunkmate answer in sync. soon enough you realize 20  minutes of conversation and smoking have gone by.

for some odd reason, you got curious if they were possibly not straight. I mean upon looking at them you'd think they were gay or bisexual but you can't always go off of that.

the easiest way to find out is to put an anime on the tv with sexy men and see if they say anything.  so you do just that and put on Death note, I mean with both L and light any gay person would surely comment on how hot one of them is right?

after all much easier than just asking if they were gay. and sure enough, after a few episodes had played xiao had already made a confirming comment on L. "he's kinda hot" was the green-haired boy's exact words.

Scaramouche left the room when we started playing anime. seems he's not an anime fan. you know know that xiao is certainly not heterosexual from the comment he made.

The next mission is to find out if the rest are gay.

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