Tuesday, April 21

46 3 2

Hai! I have to do math, AGAIN. Boo. Math sucks. I have to finish that worksheet from yesterday, and 2 more worksheets with 70 something problems as well....

:,( it's torture..... Outlook from the day: Woke up at 6:30, was weird on the bus with my BFF @ilovemyfarmkittens, got to school, and talked to @tendedparrot451 and @SnakeSniperYT, and they ran away.... :( LOL!, did a LOT of math, sang almost all recess long, annoyed the heck out of @Smiley_writer :) LOL, and now I'm about to do math, or practice on IXL.com. Bye! Ttyt or maybe later! :) love ha peeps!


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