Episode 2

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Carson and pups read the title:
A Visit From Triplebeak

*Captain Beakman, Pip, Freddy, and Carson were walking on the runway*

Pip: Ok, the nursery's empty and we left some snacks in the cafeteria in case you get hungry.

Carson: Got it.

Captain Beakman: Thank you for staying and keeping an eye out of Tots while we all watch Pip and Freddy be in a contest at Coconut Cove.

Freddy: Are you really sure you're gonna be ok? We can stay and not go.

Carson: Relax, big brother. I'll be fine and the pups are here too.

*The pups walked outside to the runway*

Bingo: We've stayed at home all the time when Bob goes to work.

Rolly: Yeah. We got this.

Captain Beakman: *She chuckled*
I know they'll keep the place in tip top shape.

Pip: Let's get going.

June: Bye guys. Love you.

*Pip, Freddy, June, and Captain Beakman walked to the FlyBus and the FlyBus started to fly to Coconut Cove*

Carson: Good luck, guys!

Pups: Bye!

Bingo: *He squeal*
I can't believe it! We're the only ones here.

Pearl: I know right. This is so awesome.

Carson: Today is just me, you guys-

Rolly: Freddy flying towards us.

Carson: Exactly. Wait what?
*He saw Tommy flying towards them*

*Carson and the pups ducked and Tommy fly above them*

Tommy: Whoopee!

Bingo: Why's Freddy back?

Carson: I have no idea. He was acting weird about not going, cause he was worried about something or I'm not sure.

Rolly: Uh guys, I don't think that is Freddy.

Pearl: Rolly's right. That flamingo does look like Freddy.

Bingo: Except his hair and tail feathers are longer.

Tommy: *He landed in front of Carson*
Freddy! So great to see ya.

Carson: Um, I'm not Freddy, mister...who are you?

Tommy: The name's Tommy Triplebeak. I'm Freddy's cousin.

Carson and pups: Oh...

Carson: Nice to meet you. I'm Freddy's adopted brother, Carson.

Tommy: Whoa. If you're his brother, then that means we're cousins! Come over here, you.
*He starts giving Carson a soft noogie on the head*

Carson: Cool, a new cousin.
*He walks to the pups*
These are my friends. That's Bingo.

Bingo: Hi.

Carson: *He points at Rolly*
That's Rolly.

Rolly: Hello.

Carson: *He points at Pearl*
And that's Pearl.

Pearl: Nice to meet you.

Tommy: Wow. You three sure are weird looking delivery birds.

Rolly: *He chuckled*
We're actually puppies.

Muppet TOTS Pals Season 2Where stories live. Discover now