Chapter 10

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Rimuru P.O.V.

And so, we talked about my plan.

"My dream is to build a nation like one I had back in Tempest. A nation where everyone can live in peace."

"That might actually be possible." Haru told me. And than we decided to make plan what to do.

"I think we need to organize some kind of organization. Organizatoin that will help people. We can help people in need and start building us reputation."

"Yes, that is awesome idea." Ume said. "But what will we be called."

And than, there was a silence. I han no idea what to call us. Using my name would be to obvious. Maybe...

"Slime lords?" I said. They all looked at me. Than they started to cheer.

"I love it!" Said Aya.

"That is a good name." Nao told me.

"Cool!" Ume and Haru said at the same time.

" Okay than. Now that that is done, I would like to give you your jobs, if that's okay with you." I said. They all nodded, looking at me with excitement.

"Nao, considering your magic, you can move through the shadows, right?"

"Yes, I can. I can stay in them as long as I want, and can hear people who are near them." Nao told me.

"Great! Than, would you like to take a role of an spy? Our organization needs to have someone to work in shadows. Someone who can see squad captain meetings and can follow any suspect."

"I would be honored, Rimuru." Nao said.

"Wait, since we are your subordinates now, do we need to call you Rimuru-sama or just Rimuru?" Aya asked me.

"Please, there is no need for formality. I'm my past life, my subordinates called me Rimuru-sama, becouse they chose so, so it's up to you to decide." I said. They all nodded. "Okay, now, I think our organization needs to show the world that we have only the good intentions. I am going to give each of you, and everyone who wants to be in our organization, these masks." I said, making four replicas of Shizues mask. "These masks will hide your mana and it will seem like you have none." I explained.

"Awesome!" Ume yelled. She held the mask and put it on.

"Also, when going to public and representing our organization, I would like for each one of you to wear hoods, we can design them together, and than I can make them." I told them.

"That is a good idea, we don't want to risk our squad captains to find out about what we are planing." Haru said. They all thought for a while, and than agreed.

And so, we formed our organization. We decided that Ume and Haru will be the ones who will appear in public, Nao will work in the shadows, and Aya is the one who will be showing, but is also the one who will work more in the shadows, as she requested.

"Okay, that should be about it. Now, we just need to organize how we will do all of this." I said, thinking.

"Maybe, we can somehow organize meeting like this every week?" Harry suggested.

"Yea, that seems like reasonable thing to do." I replied. "Okay than, on the next meeting, we will discuss what and where we will appear as an organization. I think meetings should be held every Sunday. What do y'all think?" I than looked at my friends. They all nodded and we finally decided to say our goodbyes and meet on Sunday.

It was already evening. I just teleported in front of the hideout. As I was getting in, a ball of fire was dashing towards me. I quickly moved to the side to se Magna and Luck fighting, again...

I just ignored them and sat on the sofa, where was Captain Yami. He just looked at me, and than back at the letter he was reading.

"Hey kid, Julius sent me this letter about some meeting of yours." Yami told me. It seems that everyone in the room suddenly stopped breathing.

"Oh yea, can I see the letter?" I asked my Captain. He handed me the letter and watched me closely.

I than looked at the letter.

Hello, Yami. I would appreciate if you tell one of your new squad members something important. His name is Rimuru is I remember correctly. I would like you to tell him that I want to see him tomorrow afternoon. At six o'clock to be exact. Thank you in advance.


I finished reading and looked at Yami. He was still looking at me, trying to figure out why does Julius want to see me.

"Do you know why he wants to see you?"

"Yes, I know. But I won't tell you, not yet, at least." I said as I got up and went to my room. When I got there, I decided to write letters of the meeting I have tomorrow with my friends. After I wrote the letters, I sent them using Naos spell.

Well this day was more exhausting than relaxing... I thought, and closed my eyes, falling asleep.

Next morning, Asta woke me up with his screaming. I than went to help Asta to feed magic beasts. After that, I went to eat, where Asta joined me after some time.

"So, Rimuru, why does the Wizard King want to meet you?" Magna asked me.

"That is for me to know, and for you to, maybe, find out." I answered to him. Everyone than seemed to wonder what does Julius want from me. I just finished my meal and went outside. There, I thought about what we should do next.

After first encounter in public, we need to have intention from magic knights. But I don't need them going after us... And that meeting tomorrow... I said that more as 'leave me alone already', but now what do I discuss with him there?

"Notice, the best thing to discuss is about your wish to built a nation of people with small magic power." Said Raphael.

That could work, thank you Raphael!

"I had to do something, you would never think of it on your own." Raphael told me.


"Um... Rimuru? Who are you talking to?" I heard a voice behind me. I turned around to see Noelle.

"Oh! Uh... No one?" I said. It was more a question that an answer.

"Oh, okay. Anyway, I just wanted you to know me, Asta and Luck were just assigned a mission. So we are going on it right now!" Noelle said, looking happier than I have ever seen her.

"Great! Good luck to y'all!"

"Thank you. See you!" She said as she went back to the hideout.

"And now, to think of all lies I'll have to tell Julius today..." And than I looked at the sky. I was confused for a second. There was a bird coming towards me. Than, she came and dropped a letter and a small box in front of me.

"What is this?"

A/N: I hope you like it. Sry for not posting for a while. I will publish how some characters look as well. I drew it, so pls, no hate. I'm working on drawing them with more details, but that's for another time. Bye!

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