Chapter 15

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Rimuru P.O.V

We discussed about what happened for hours. It was already dark when we went back to our hideouts.

I just teleported in front of the hideout. When I entered, I saw Magna and Luck bowing to Asta.

Asta than looked at me. "Rimuru! There you are! I was wondering where you were" Asta came to me.

"Rimuru! Did you know that Asta became  third-class junior magic knoght!?" Luck asked excitedly. I nodded.

"Yeah, I heard. My rank has increased as well." I watched Magna's eyes almost pop out. He than yelled how he doesn't believe that everyone has higher rank than him.

Next morning I went outside. Asta made me agree I would train with him. As we were about to start, Finral suddenly jumped right in front of us.

He was mumbling something about us going on a blind date with some girls. Asta, who obviously didn't know what he was agreeing to, said yes. I, however declined.

"Finral, I have better things to do than that." I said. He pleaded with me. I still refused. After some time, he gave up. I gave him excuse I have important things to do. That wasn't really a lie.

'I still have to find other reincarnations.' I thought.

"Notice, there seem be some of the people you are searching for in the town individual Finral has chosen to go to" Raphael told me.

I stopped, processing what i just heard.

"FINRAL! WAIT! I CHANGE MY MIND!" I yelled running back to where Finral was. Long story short, Finral was really happy that I actually agreed.

After all that, I went on to train with Asta. Now he has this new sword that he told me he got on his first mission. After that, I went on to see if Aya, Ume, Nao and Haru were free today. Ume and Nao replied saying they are, but the other two said they had a mission. I wrote to Ume and Nao that I am going on a mixer to find another person to join us. They seemed to have laughed when they got my message, but said they will come if I needed them tonight.

'Why me...'

In the evening we went with Finral. Luck was there to. I figured neither him or Asta knew what they signed up to.

As we went through Finrals portal, I saw Noelle slipping trough. 'Ha! I knew she liked Asta! She is really jealous to... Oh god...'

After some time, we arrived at the place, following Finral. As we entered, I saw there were four girls already sitting at the table, looking at us. We went and sat across form them. Across from Asta, sat girl with red hair. Next to her was one with blond hair, than brunette and a girl with white hair.

'I think Raphael-san told me earlier that her name mas something like Fayoko? Fuyomi? No, wait I think Fuyumi?' I thought for a few moments until I heard Raphael-san say Her name was Fuyuko. 'I knew it was something like that!'

Just than I heard Finrals voice.

"Okay! Looks like we all have our drinks, let's start with the introduction. I'll go ahead and start" He said, pulling a bouquet of flowers out of his portal. "I'm 21 years old and from Touta! I'm Finral Roulacase, the spatial magic user from the Black Bulls! Nice to meet you!" Finral said. The blond and brunette were amazed. Finral gave all four girls a flower.

"Go, introduce yourselfs!" Finral said to us.

"Introduce myself... Okay! I'm Luck Voltia, and I'm 18 years old. I'm from Ibon and belong to the Black Bulls. My hobbies include fighting tough enemies in bloody, mortal combat! Isn't 'fingting for your life' a wonderfully phrase?

Luck said. Finral looked like he has seen a ghost, and I almost bursted out laughing. Than Asta went on to introduce himself.

"I-I'm Asta! I'm fifteen. I'm from Hage village. I'm a member of the Black Bulls. Uh... My dream is to become the Wizard King someday!" He said stretching his muscles.

'Those girls don't seem that impressed. Well, I'm next.'

"Hello, my name is Rimuru Tempest! I am fifteen years old and a member od the Black Bulls. I am from Hage village. It's nice to meet you." I said giving them a smile. They all smiled back. Well, just the blond and brunette. Other two eyed me like I killed their families.

Than the girls started introducing themselves. The brunette was Erika State, the blond one was Helene Barbary. The redhead was Rebecca Scarlet. Then the white haired one introduced herself.

"Hello, my name is Fuyuko. I am from Nairn. I am the membrer of Blue Rose Knights." She said.

'She is in the same squad as Aya! Maybe they know each other.' I thought to myself.

"Well nice to meet you all!" Finral said. After some time, luck and one of the girls went outside, same with Finral. Now it was only Asta and I left, with two other girls.

"Would you like to go outside?" I asked Fuyuko. She just nodded and stood up. We walked outside and ended up in an allywey. She spoke first.

"Look, I'm here only course my friends made me come. I'd rather go back now, but that would be considered rude." She said.

'Raphael-san told me that all people that are reincarnated here have memories. It seems like there is no one around here. That's good. I should tell Ume and Nao to come here.' I thought as I took a piece of paper,  wrote 'come to me now' on it twice, cut it in half and sent it through shadows to the two. Fuyuko didn't seem to notice 'couse Author-san is to lazy to write it.

"Fuyuko, did you maybe hear about Demon Lord's of Clover?" I asked. She looked shocked.

"Yes, they sent people from my squad to look for them, there seem to be no clue to finding them." She told me. I smiled.

"What would you tell me if I told you I was reincarnated?" She looked at me shocked. It seemed like she was at a loss for words.

"What- No... How- That can't be... I...." She started.

"And I know you are to." I said, confusing her more. She didn't say anything so I continued. "I founded Demon Lords' of Clover. It is an organization made for us reincarnated people to be together. And we want to build a nation where everyone can live in piece. Where commoners won't be looked down on." She was even more shocked by this.

"You are... What... Wait..." She sat on some boxes, holding her head. I waited for her to calm down a little, and than continued.

"One of our members is from your squad. Her name is Aya. She won't make it tonight, but I would like to ask you if you would join us." As I said that, Ume and Nao appeared with their masks on. Fuyuko didn't really look surprised anymore, but she thought really hard.

"Alright, I guess. I want to find out more about your group and about all of us who were brought to this world after our deaths." She said, standing up. She smiled. "Guess I'll join than!"


1224 words

Hellooo! Sorry for not posting for months. I honestly didn't have any inspiration. I'll se to post more chapters soon. Love you all!

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