Chapter 03

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Pre-Arc 01

. Childhood .

"Live your life like you desire , the future holds up a lot of pain to overcome"


It's been two years since Alicia has been reincarnated in the world of detective Conan . And as a result , she discovered a thing she didn't think would happen .

Yukiko didn't retire from her acting career yet , which meant ...

More traveling and traveling to America than in the anime ...

That is why Yusaku and Mikazuki stays home alone for most of the times , sometimes it's Mikazuki and Yukiko , but they never stayed at home together , only for rare occasions . For example , in Mikazuki's first birthday , they held a huge party where they invited all of their friends , Mika did like it when she saw her parents having fun , but if it was anything else , she felt bored ...

It would be funny to guess but , her mind now have a mostly childish side , even with the knowledge of the future , and the ability of mind reading , she doesn't remember much of her past life events anymore . Except of a few details that she cherished and would never let go of .

But for the time being , her childish side took over her as she enjoyed playing with dolls , soccer balls , and even roleplaying with her mother when she wasn't away for the realization of a movie .

But these were rare moments ...

What she enjoyed the most , was reading in her father's library .

At first both Yukiko and Yusaku were shocked as to how she mastered reading and writing in a short time , but then let it go as they thought she was a genius , which was true . Even in her past life , her 'past' parents told her that she learned faster than any of her siblings , which , in fact , caused jealousy to haunt her relationship with them .

Not only her siblings , but her friends too , and that's what she wants to change first in her life , since she clearly knows that once shinishi is born , all of her chances to make friends will drop to zero , as to him much she plans on protecting him and fight the B.O earlier than later . She wasn't social , since she always felt complexed , and her mind reading made things worse ...

Anyway , enough of her personal plans and let's see her plans for the plot . She always thought of becoming someone who will face the B.O directly , like some secret agents or something ... She though of joining the F.B.I or the secret police .. or even the MI6 would do it .

' what about the three of them at once ? Like ... Becoming honorary member of each of them ! '

And then , an option came to her mind ... Then she just shook it off .

' nah , I'll see about the secret police department first and then think about the F.B.I or the MI6 ... But what about my public occupation ? '

At the current time , Mika was reading a book , not a Sherlock Holmes one , but a science-fiction one .

She is surprised when she found out that her father possessed all kind of books , even the educational , historical , and political ones ! Must be amazing to be a writer ...

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