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klous and i are sitting in the grass  infront of the pack house watching shay play with all the other pack kids. they were playing tag. shay is so damn cute. she looks just like klous even though they have different moms. his father has some strong genes. speaking of his father, him and dawn are getting along well in there new house like 8 minutes away. they have been spending every moment with each other trying to make up for all the time they couldn't be together. dawn is a strong women, i admire her for waiting all this time to be officially arron's mate. i don't know if i would be able to do that. we are going to watch mya tonight because arron is going to mark her later. you know what happens after that, so they didn't want shay to be there. as for julia, her and angelo, they are so in love you can see it in their eyes. they also live about 10minutes away. the past couple of days have been good, everyone is finally getting along. frank and violet just can't keep there hands off of each other, and of course she moved in with him. everything was going so great. then an idea came to me.

since i was still a little salty with julia i told her she couldn't plan my wedding anymore. that was a dumb mistake i made because i was pissed at her. now i have a wedding to plan alone. so my idea is to just get married right in the back of the pack house , not all fancy like julia wanted it to be. i want the guys to ware button up shirts, with black skinny jeans. i want all of them to wear vans. but all of them have a different color on, and i want the ties to match the shoes. i started to get excited. then i want my girls to ware tub top dresses of color with leather mini jackets with ankle botties. YES! that is how i want my wedding!! for me i would i'll wear a white tube top dress, with white ankle booties, no leather jacket and my dress would be filled with diamonds.

just as i was about to tell klous my plans kim one of the pack teens came over to us with her head  down. she looked really scared.

"alpha, luna." she paused..."um it was me, i sent the message to alpha klous" she said.

"why" klous asked through clenched teeth.

i knew he was mad now, i took his hand in mine and placed it on my thigh, his he took a big breath trying to calm himself.

"i i i saw alpha arron and dawn kissing, then i saw the little girl i know as shay call him daddy. when i saw her and she looked just like you and alpha arron. i didn't mean to cause so much trouble, i just thought you should know. please don't hurt me"she said as klous and i stood up.

she flenched a little bit. i wonder if someone hits her? well i will save that for another time.

"so you send me a text message? then you just sit around while we are looking for the person who did sent the message and never came forward until now? why?" klous said getting upset again.

"klous baby, maybe she has a very good reason why she is just telling us now. calm youself baby" i said kissing the back of his hand.

i could see him relax. i love that i can control his wolf and he can control mine. damn he was sexy.

"i didn't think that you would believe me, i felt so bad after i did it but it was to late. im so sorry alpha"she said crying.

"don't let this happen again! if you have something to say i am more than willing to listen, but you will be punished for this." he said

"alpha please don't beat me, please!" she cried.

then i felt his alpha come forward taking control, he was annoyed but not pissed so i didn't stop him.


"thank you alpha" she said and ran off.

klous's eyes changed back to his own. i wrapped my arms around his waist and kiss him softly. he instantly deepend the kiss hitching one of my legs to his hip. the world around us was no longer there. just me and klous. something was pulling my dress, i didn't want to stop kissing my mate, but i took my lips from his anyway. klous growled.

"klousy stop being yucky with mya, and don't growl at her. or you will have to deal with me' she said.

"shay, im so sorry for being yucky with mya. i wont do that infront of you anymore im sorry" klous said seriously. he thought she was forreal. i could see the smile behind her act. shay was really smart.

"why so serious klousy wousy, it was just a kiss" she giggled

"why you little bugger, you played me like a fiddle" he laughed

'she sure did, she had you apologizing and everything' i said.

klous started chasing shay around the yard, she was so happy to spend time with her big brother. she was so full of life. i loved her so much already. just then dawn and arron approached looking like teenagers in love. i gasped because i could already see the faint mark on her neck.

'wow you guys sure move fast, couldn't wait for tonight' i said with raised eyebrows.

dawn giggled when arron kissed her mark. i was so happy for them.

"i just thought why wait, life is too short" she said looking in arron's green eyes.

"your right dawn, why wait' i said running to klous as he was comming over by us. shay was once again playing with the other kids. i jumped in to klous's arms.

"baby why wait?"

"why wait for what mya' he smiled at me.

"i want to be tied to you in every way possible, i love and i don't want to spend another day not being you wife"

'why are you saying baby' he looked confused.

"i have everything planned they way i want it to be, and who i want in it." i took a breath " lets get married tomorrow! if it wasn't about to get dark i would marry you right now in what i have on, that is how serious i am. so what do you think?"

klous was silent for longer than i liked, everyone was silent waiting to see what klous was going to say. he was stalling.

"KLOUS PATTINSON!" i said slapping his chest. he started to laugh at me.

"took you long enough, i wondering when you would start to snap. i think it a great idea i can't wait for you to be mya pattinson' he said kissing me.

"so its settled, we are getting married tomorrow at ....." i paused " um when ever we are all ready" i finished.

every one around us laughed. dawn told me she would do anthing to help, so did every one else. i gave everyone something to do.

i called violet to let her know her and my brother would be yellow, joe and bree would be blue. she was so excited.


me and klous layed in bed together talking about everything i had planned he thought it was awesome that i didnt want this big dress and the big wedding party. the only ones in the wedding would be joe,bree, violet, frank, and shay as the flower girl. oh and i picked a cute little pup named avery to bring the rings. klous was just excited as i was, and that made me happy!!

"good night mr. pattinson, i love you"

"good night mrs.pattinson, i love you more





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