Empty promises

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Does the pain ever go away?
Or does it just keep coming back?
Why is my life miserable everyday?
Oh, it's happiness that I lack.

I always thought the day would come,
Were we could finally meet,
But life is just full of dissapointments,
Like an old cassette put on repeat.

I have dreamt of the day we would talk in person like the ancient times,
I would give anything for a moment like that again,
1000 dollars or even a few dimes.

But I guess that is just life,
Making us promises it can't keep,
Giving us false hope,
And laughs at us when we weep

Everyday I ask you where you want to meet,
At a mall? Shop? Or restaurant to eat?
You always tell me "okay sure ill let you know,"
But I never get an answer, and you never show.

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