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it's been 2 weeks since your last performance. today is the day you go back home for the holidays. your mom is excited to see you since its been a year. she still thinks you and akaashi are still together. today is the day you are going to break the news.

you call jay your assistant and the phone rings till you hear a male voice pick it up from behind "hello jay?" "im going back home for 2 weeks is it ok if you feed mino?" "yes y/n i will waste my time to feed your cat" "alright thank you jay see you in 2 weeks!" you hang up and grab your suitcase walking out towards the taxi.

you put your luggages into the back of the trunk and step into the car "head to the airport please" he looks up through the rearview mirror and starts driving. you look out the window and eventually go on your phone scrolling.

"ma'am we are here" you give him the money and thank him. he opens the trunk and you grab your luggages and start walking away.

"flight 50 is arriving please remain waiting" thirty minutes go by and the speakers comes on "flight 50 has made it arrival whoever is going please make it to ticket check in.

you make it on the plane and sit. you got a first class seat and you felt the airplane move upward. you put your headphones on and shut your eyes.

you wake up to the bright sunset hitting your face. you look out and see the beautiful view and the flight attendant comes up to you and asks if you want a snack. you look up and ask for the options "there is pretzels or uh this trail mix?" "wait- are you y/n?" you laugh at the sudden comment "yes i am"

being famous wasn't the worse but also wasn't a blessing. although you grew up and thought being famous would have been fun and made you happy but really it was the opposite. it was different

the speaker comes on "we are landing in 7 minutes" you pull out your phone and text your mom

hey im arriving in 10 minutes!

I'll be there in 30.

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