Mommy long legs x reader
Fluff ✨
Warning chapter 2 spoilers
"It been soo long , isn't this exciting poppy?" You look up in fear, a tall spider like being was gripping on to the upper parts of the walls. Yo though that she was kinda cute despite trying to kill you.
"Very exciting mommy!"
You saw poppy being tossed around by mommy..wait why are they talking?! I mean poppy can talk but she is creepy and I don't trust her. Why did they make the spider hot though you thought.
"Mommy heard that poppy was just going to give you the train code to escape"
"Now how is that fun~"
"Instead why don't we make a game out of it?"
You were sick of all these things happening you just want to play and but free."No, I just want to go home!, I have been chased,scared out of my mind and there is toys running around doing all these things,so confused, sometimes I want to stop and play but they try to kill me, I wanna go home!"
Suddenly you feel your self being picked up, you scream in fear but your body comes face to face with mommy and pulled into a hug. "Why are you being nice to me?" You say stuttering "you reminded me for my child and husband when they were first made but they were soon re-called because my lore was point less" "oh I'm sorry mommy that's horrible"
The pink spider smiled at you "your much more nicer than the last worker to come here, will you stay and play with mommy?"
"Of corse! You always were my favourite"You and mommy played in the factory and you found out that there was another man that tryed to kill mommy but she lived( because au bitch>:'
You and mommy lived life happily and played forever because you could never escape could you your just a fly in a web..————
I hoped you injoyed I really didn't know what to do for this chapter but I hope more requests come in because I'm planning to wirte about pj,bunzo, and all the huggys. But can I just say kissy missy is adorable and I would marry her she is so cute in chapter 2This chapter was rushed I don't know what to write for mommy thicc legs