1| We're All Going Back

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Claudia's POV.

Daily Prophet:

Beastly Return

Minister of magic, Kingsley Shacklebolt, has made a new law!!! Every Beast handler, will be returning to Hogwarts School of Wizardry, to get a proper education. They will be required to get a full year of training, and in this time, they will get special permits, to have their specific field beast as a pet. Along with the beast handlers' all previous seven years will be returning as well, to finish off their education, since they spent most of the year fighting in the war-

I feel my eyes start to water and shove the palms of my hands into my closed eye sockets, to stop the tears from flowing. Two sides of my conscious fight for control as I feed a few owl treats to Hades.

I don't want to go back.

But you have to, otherwise you will lose your job.

I don't want to see where he died.

Just don't go to the shrieking shack.

But Harry Potter.

There is no guarantee you will see him.

But if I do.

He won't know who you are.

I don't want to ruin his life.

You won't.

I open my next letter with watery eyes, the seal of Hogwarts.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Dear Ms. Snape,

I can only imagine how you must feel my dear. Usually Our letters are meant to be professional, but I figured in your case it was acceptable. I know it has only been a couple of months since the death of your father, but I have to ask you to join us back at Hogwarts. If you accept, I will be happy to see you for this new term, but if you decline, I regret to inform you that the minister of magic will have your wand snapped.

I have a surprise for all student, and I am not to say until the feast in the great hall, should you accept. Fair well, my dear god daughter, I hope to see you soon.

Things you will need -

Formal wear -

Gown for women

Muggle suits for men

Uniform -

Three sets of black robes

One black pointed hat (optional)

One pair of protective gloves

One black winter cloak

Equipment -

One Wand

One Cauldron

Books -

Fantastic Beast and Where to Find Them, by Newt Scamander

The Dark Force: A Guide to Self Protection, by Quintin Trimble

Yours Truly,

Professor Mcgonagall

I close the letter and sit on my bed smiling slightly at the small act of defiance from my god mother, though it is something so small as not being professional, for her it is quite a large step. Then the reality of the situation runs through me, snap my wand? Really?

I grab my wand and sigh, twirling it back and forth in my fingers. Expecto Patronum. I say, and think of my happiest memory, My mother coming for one of her visits, and my father holding me close. I watch a Doe sprout from the tip of my wand and carry my acceptance to Mcgonagall.

Next, I grab a piece of paper and write an informative letter to my twin, and make sure he received his own. My brother chose to work with Dragon as well, and works closely with the one guarding the bank. I haven't seen him in years.

Harry's POV.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Dear Mr. Potter,

I would like to be the first to welcome you and your friends back to Hogwarts, though it seems as though you have already been informed. All of the seven years from the previous year, as well as those in the Beast Handling business will be returning to Hogwarts this coming year, with no option, otherwise you will have your wands snapped.

There will be a surprise for all of the witches and wizards returning. I hope you have a wonderful day Potter, and see you in September.

I skip the rest of the letter for now, because I'm not ready to think of any other headmaster than Dumbledore.

I walk down the stairs leading to the living room of the burrow. Mrs. Weasley had been nice enough to let me stay here and I happily agreed, this way I get to spend time with Ron, Hermione, and Ginny.

Hermione left shortly after the war, to go in search of her parents, after a long search, she found them, but they were happy. They had a daughter and a son, and she didn't want to ruin things for them, so she left, and came back here.

Letter in hand, I make my way to the open living room and wave my full hand. Heads turn to my direction, and they all nod as well. Looks like we're all going back. "Has anyone sent for Charlie yet?" I ask, before pecking Ginny on the lips, and sitting next to her on the sofa. "I would really appreciate it if you would not kiss my sister in front of me, mate." Ron says making a gagging face, and Ginny giggles.

"I am sure we all wish that. Now, who was asking about me?" a voice comes around the corner. I look up to see Charlie standing in the doorway with a mug in his hand. "Harry was." Hermione says, but leaves it at that.

He raises his eye brows in question, before taking a drink of tea. "You've got your letter?" He nods. "I never thought I would go back as a student. But for us Beast Handlers, it will be more like a reunion, since we already took the required training. Just more of our daily lives."

I silently nod my head and stare blankly at the wall, I wonder how Hogwarts will be without Dumbledore, and Snape. I wonder who will return, who will run, and who will have their wands snapped. I wonder what new ghosts will float through the halls.

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