4| What Do You Train

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Claudia's POV

"Now, for our announcement. This year will be full of balls, and party's. It is quite different than the years past, for one reason alone. I wasn't going to speak on it, but I feel as though you can all keep quiet." Mcgonagall says looking around the room.

"You have all been forced to return because the Ministry doesn't want a repeat of you-know-who. So, as you are forced to return we decided to make this year memorable. All of you are of-age or older, and we feel as though after the past seven years, this is what we need." She takes a breath.

"Many of you have lost someone close to you, many of you friends, cousins, brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, so this year take a breath, relax, have fun, but remember that you will have a Ministry exam at the end of every corner." Her eyes glanced my way for longer than needed when she said father.

"Now, for the important things," Mcgonagall winks...winks? The war changed many people, but I never though I would see the day when my god-mother winks at the entire of Hogwarts.

"In addition to taking on new professors, we have taken on a planning committee. This consist of, Molly Weasley, Fleur Weasley, and Angelina Weasley." Minerva looks up for a moment. "Yes I am fully aware that that is a lot of Weasley," when she says that the red-heads in the room burst into laughter. "but these are the wives of our new staff members, on that note, George Weasley has opened his shop in Hogsmade, I have been asked to tell you that. As well, as that is any of his products are used on professors you will be expelled. Which means that the ministry will snap your wands. Please take extra care this year.

"I hope all of you brought your formal wear, as your letters said, because the first ball is tomorrow night. Now, listen up." Mcgonagall clasps her hands together. "Professor William Weasley has an announcement."

As the red-headed boy makes his way to the platform, Ginny whispers across the table at me, "That's our brother." when I turned my head I caught a glance at Harry, still glaring at me. "Just Bill Please." The professor says when he reaches the podium. "I would like to make it known, that this year the room of requirement can be booked. As many of you found out last year, that room can come in handy." A group of Hufflepuffs giggle across the room. "You can report to me, to book the room. Reasons for booking the room will be stated upon request. The room can be used for party's, gatherings, club meetings, ect. That will be all from me."

Minerva steps back up to the platform. "Quidditch will be returning this year, and tryouts will be on the fifth. There have been no captains selected, so Madam Hooch will hand pick all of the players this year. I am sure that you are all incredibly hungry, so, enjoy."

The feast appeared before them, like it had previous years, and Ron started right away. "Does he always eat like this?" I ask Ginny, while he shoves two forkfuls of mashed potatoes in his mouth. "Sadly, yes." she says as she grabs a chunk of meat from the platter in front of her. "So, Claudia. interesting middle name." comes potters voice from the opposite side of the table.

"No, not really." I say coldly, and everyone stops what they are doing. "Where did you get it?" He asks. "The same place you got yours." he narrows his eyes. "My mom. My mom gave me my middle name, didn't your mom give you your middle name?" I clarify, while I butter my roll. He huffs, and starts eating.

"Hello, Weasel." I hear a voice behind me, and know it's Draco, without even looking. "What are you doing here Ferret?" Ron's asks him. "Well, I surly wasn't going to have my wand snapped, so I bought my ticket like the rest of you."

"You know what I mean Draco."

"Well, I wanted to sit with Malfoy." he says with an amused look. "Well, than go find an empty table."

"Oh, my bad, soon-to-be Malfoy." Ron chokes on his food. "Your already engaged?" His voice is loud enough to be heard on the other side of the room, and it is, because a group of Slytherin's burst out in laughter. Hermione rolls her eyes.

"Well, no, but I always get what I want, and I want to marry her." I burst out in laughter, and everyone looks at me. "Good luck Hermione. He's not joking. Earlier on the train, he went all protective-brother, and Levitated someone for making a comment about, me being a girl and liking firewhiskey. He wouldn't put him down so I had to."

"It's true I was there." Charlie says his first words of our conversation. "I know you were, you were eavesdropping." I briefly catch Ginny's amused grin. "Anyway, I put him down, then went to pay for my drink, which then I was told it had already been paid for."

"She almost got in a fight with the bartender, because she knew that she didn't pay." Draco buts in. "Oh, I did not, and stop interrupting." I have never seen heads turn so fast in my life, it's like a page that a person just flips back and forth. "Then the bartender told me that Charlie had already paid for my drink. But when I turned back to ask if that was true, he was already gone. Thank you, by the way." I finish looking at Charlie. "Your welcome."

"So, I can already tell that trouble follows you, the tree of us will be great friends." Ginny says motioning for herself and Hermione.

"So, your obviously a beast handler because your not seventeen, what do you train?" He says so, in the same tone that his sister did, he is obviously mocking her.

"Dragon." the word leaves my mouth and glances are thrown around the table. "Me too. What breed?"

"Hebridean black. You?"

"Norwegian ridgeback. Though, to be honest I prefer Swedish short-snout. Their so temperamental, though. Hard to work with."

"My favorite's are easily the Hebridean black, I love their purple eyes. Or maybe even the Antipodean Opaleye, their skin is beautiful. What is your number one rule about dragon care." I ask him.

"Safety. A lot of trainers don't understand that your safety comes first. In a bad situation, you have to get yourself and any person out."

"I agree, which is why my rule to live by is along the same lines. I always wear a sleeveless top, and a pair of shorts. I have learned that dragons react better to being touched by human flesh, rather than fabric. Our skin is calming to them, so I only wear necessity's. Dragon training isn't a fashion show." I explain, twirling my fork in pasta. "Really, I've never noticed that. Maybe when we start training, you could show me."

"Yeah, that would be cool." I say getting up. "I will be back. See you guys in the common room?" I ask, earning nods around the table.

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