Stand up

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Hello there,
I just wanted to say a few things. First of all you are amazing, I thank everyone who read this and had the courage to read all the stories. I love you all
I'm sorry for the late update, I'm in Spain and had no Internet connection until now. Excuse me if the layout of this story is different, I wrote it on my phone and don't really know how this will look like once it's published.
All the love S.


I'm nervous. I'll never admit it, but I'm scared as hell. I thought it would be easy, but I just realized that it's everything but simple.

The room is covered in silence, hundreds of eyes lay expectantly on me. My throat is dry as I look at the crowd that gathered around us. It's quite large... well, we've invited them after all.

I look down at her. Her soft smile gives me courage, but I need to fight this battle on my own. I want this to be perfect for her.

I clear my throat and mentally go through my speech again. I've spent the last few month on a blank sheet of paper, waiting for inspiration. That obviously never came. I went to bed last night knowing I had no speech prepared for today, the most important day in my life.

My hands start to sweat. I tighten the grip around the blank sheet of paper in my hand. The moment has come, I can't change anything now.

"Welcome everyone and thank you for being here on the most important day in my life. Our life." I look down at her and see a smile appear on her lips. Maybe I'm not that bad after all.

"At this point it's usually time for the groom's speech and I want to address some very special words to my very special wife."

What now? I don't know what to say.
I scan the crowd, noticing that I have everyone's attention. Fantastic.

"From the moment I met you, everything changed." Yeah, that's good "I knew I had to get you, whatever the pain. I had to take you and make you mine. I sound a bit like a psychopath, but you truly are a breathtaking woman."

The crowd laughs at my joke, but I can only concentrate on her eyes. Her unique blue eyes are watering with tears.

"You know, I would do anything for you. I would walk through the desert, I would walk down the aisle, like I did just a few hours ago. I would do it again and again, for you. I would swim all the oceans just to see you smile. Whatever it takes is fine."

A few tears stream down her face. She is crying because she likes my speech, I think...

"Oh, so put your hands up coz this is a stand up and I won't be leaving 'til I've finished stealing every piece of your heart. Really, I mean it, every piece of your heart. I know your heart's been broken but don't you give up. I'll be there, yeah I know it, to fix it with love. And it hurts me to think you've ever cried. Even now you're crying and I really hope that you don't regret your decision already."

Again, the guests start laughing. My wife joins them as I pull her up to her feet.

"What are you doing?" she asks.

"It's a stand up, so you should stand up." I smile "And now we're stealing the car and we will drive to the stars. I will give you the moon, it's the least I can do. If you give me the chance to prove you how much I love you." I gently wrap my arms around her waist.

"You want to kidnap me and steal a car! This is hilarious!" she laughs.

"I'm a thief! You can call me a thief, but you should know your part. I'm only here because you stole my heart." I press my mouth on hers as the guest start to lap their hands.

Looks like, after all, my speech wasn't that bad.

"You didn't write this down, right?" she whispers.

"Nope." I admit.

"I love you, Shakespeare!"

"I love you too, fountain!"

She giggles and hits me playfully on the arm. I do have the best wife in the world.

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