Chapter 14

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Kaylie's POV

I bolted from the bed. "WHAT THE FUCK?!!" Having been drench with water, I looked up at my supposed to be mate, Alonzo smirking at me. "WHY DID YOU DO THAT?" "First off never FUCKING yell at me again. Second, I wanted too and lastly, get your lazy ass up." "For what, it's only 4:15 in the morning." I said. He scoffed. "Well damn, I knew you were dumb, but I didn't think you were that dumb. I hope you haven't forgotten our deal and believe me, I usually get what I want, now get up you lazy bitch." I shook my head rising from the bed. I showered and change into some clothes before meeting Alonzo in his office. He gestured me to sit and I did. "Now here's the plan..." He begins. I listen closely and let me tell you. My eyes literally popped from their sockets. He is literally insane. "Oh hell no, you are trying to get me killed!!!" "And so what if it does? I don't give a damn about you all I want is Shakila. Don't tell me you're going back against your word?" I gulp. "No I'm not. I just think its suicide." "Well guess what? I don't give a fuck. Now do as I say or I'll kill you now." I nodded vigorously. What had I gotten myself into now?

Alonzo's POV

This bitch is so dumb and naïve, but she'll make the perfect scapegoat for my plan. I walked to my car with Kaylie trailing behind me. I watch as she slipped into the passenger side and then drove off. The ride was silent and to be honest, I was actually glad. I didn't want to hear her irritating voice anyway. We were approaching the borderline to Liam's pack and I started to get excited. I'll finally be able to get rid of this trifling whore. Once inside, I parked the car a mile away from the pack house. "Get out of the car, Kaylie." She hesitated. "Did I stutter? I said get the fuck out of my car." "I heard you. I was just shock that you called me by my name." I rolled my eyes. "Whatever, just get out." She whined before leaving the car. I trailed behind her. "Don't tell me where going to walk there." She said. I laughed. "Now you're getting the point." "But why can't we just drive there?" "Are you that dumb?" I said. "You do realize that I'm trespassing and so are you since you've been exiled from the pack. I ain't trying to get myself killed, but you... I could care less if you do." I saw her tearing up. Yeah, I know I sound like a douche; but I don't give a fuck. She deserves everything that's happening to her. We continued to walk in silence again until we were in front of the pack house. The coast was clear since most of the pack was out in town or patrolling. I smiled approaching the main house. The door opened and in came out Liam... with Shakila following right behind him. "What the fuck are you doing here Alonzo?" Liam asked. "You know what I want Liam." "Leave my land now." I laughed. "Or else what? I don't see your pack anywhere and besides I didn't come here to fight... yet. I came to offer a trade." "If you're suggesting that we trade packs, then I suggest you leave this instance." "Are you really that stupid Liam?" I said. "And you call yourself an Alpha?" I scoffed. "I'm not suggesting that instead, I want to trade mates." His widened at that. "You can't mean-" "Oh yes I do Liam," I approached him dragging Kaylie with me. "You take the girl you exiled since she's so obsessed with you and I'll take the lovely Shakila Blaze. Oh and by the way, I don't give two shits that you marked her. You haven't mated her yet." "True but you can't take her," Liam said. "And I sure as hell don't want Kaylie. Shakila is my mate." "Is that so?" I said. "Tell me this Liam: Why is she shaking beside you?" He turned and his eyes widened. Shakila was indeed shaking. "Baby what's wrong?" Liam said. I heard her gasped. "This... can't... be... happening." I laughed. "I guess you figured it out Kila huh?" "What the fuck are you talking about Alonzo?" I rolled my eyes. "Ask her yourself." He turned to Shakila. "Kila baby tell me what's wrong?" She point to Liam then to me and back again. "You both are... my mates." "WHAT?!!!" I heard Liam said. Kaylie gasped and Shakila just collapsed after saying those words.

Sorry for the LONG delay. I've been busy with work and a horrible writer's block. I'm currently updating a few of my stories including this one. Thanks for all the supporting.


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