Chapter 13: Dad?

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🖋I wanna be nice but everyone annoys me -unknown🖋

Killians POV

"I'll be off now Killian."

"Alright Olivia" I replied.

I watched as she stepped out of the elevator. It was after hours at work, I stayed because I've been a bit busy with being a teacher lately that I don't have as much time as I use to for work.

Although it's not neccesarily a bad thing. I do get to see a certain someones face every day afterall.

I smirked to myself as I reached for the handle of my driver's car.

Before I could pull it open I felt my phone buzz in my pocket.

I fished it out quickly and put it to my ear without checking the caller Id "Hello?" I answered.

"Dad" I hear a familiar voice on the other line.

What the fuck.. I pulled the phone away to check the name. It was Niara..

"I think you've called the wrong person" I say as I put the phone back to my ear.

"Dad- I've made some new friends" I heard her giggling through her words. "They gave me some amazing candy, and I feel amazing!" She giggled some more.

I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stick up. Something isn't right, she wouldn't act like this...

"Niara, where are you right now?" I asked, concern in my voice. I hear music in the background.

I heard her mumble something "Where am I..." she asked someone.

"He won't tell me" she whined over the phone. "Mmm but- I'm in a vroom vroom" she giggled.

"Vroom Vroo- what the fuck?" I said as I felt frustration fill inside of me.

She didn't say anything else, all I heard was a fit of giggles on the other end.

"Do you mean a car?" I asked in realization.

She slurred out a yes "Mhm- The skunk man took me into his car and we went away from the party."

"Who are you calling skunk man?" I heard a guys voice say in the background.

I bit the inside of my cheek to keep me from yelling out in frustration, Who the fuck is she with? And why the hell-

Wait.. party? Did someone drug her?

Realization hit like a bitch as I felt my fist curl up tightly "Niara send me your location right now" I demanded.

"Are you gonna take me home? I miss my bed" she slurred.

"Yes now hurry the fuck up."

"Don't cuss dad, I'm sorry for lying.. I'll send it right now" she whined.

I ignored the fact that she thinks she's talking to her dad right now.

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