Chapter 22: Conflict

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🖋So sweet with a mean streak, nearly brought me to my knees - CTE🖋

Niara's POV:

"This is so cute!" Vivian squeals as she picks up a crop top fromthe rack.

Jackie, Vivian, and I decided to go to the mall. I haven't been out shopping in a while, usually I just do it online.

"You should get it" I encouraged with a smile.

I turned to the display of dresses in front of me.

The girls still haven't found our about me and Killian.. and honestly I don't know if I should tell them. The info could possible get to my dad if the wrong person hears about it.

Not that either one of them would spread it around, I trust them.

Maybe I should tell them.. I could get some good advice.

Although... their relationship is a bit different.

I look over at them as they play fight. They're definitely made for each other.

I wonder if people would think that about Killian and me..

Probably not, we're practically each others opposites. Opposites do attract though.. or so I hear.

As I was in thought I accidentally dropped a dress of the hanger, I go to pick it up only to find someone else has picked it up for you.

"Oh! it's you" the familiar blonde says, putting the dress back on the hanger.

"Olivia, hi" I say, being caught by surprise.

"Never thought I'd see you here" she says, looking down at me. She could be a model...

"Yeah, I usually shop online. But I'm here with friends!" I explain happily.

She forces a small smile "How lovely."

"Are you coming to dinner?" she asks, making me a bit confused.

"What dinner?"

"Oh, killian didn't invite you? We're all going out to eat at a new restaurant that opened" she smiled.. but something about her smile didn't seem very... nice. almost smug.

I don't know why but I feel a pain in the back of my throat, almost like I'm about to cry. "I- I guess I wasn't invited.... have fun."

I go to turn around but she puts her hand on my shoulder "Don't worry, I'm sure Killian just wants to be around more... mature people" she smiled once more.

I didn't respond since I'm sure if I were to say anything I would break out into a sob.

Why do I even care so much.. he's allowed to go out with friends.

I mean, I'm out with my friends right now.

Oh right! Vivian and Jackie are here.

I turned on my heels only to see them missing... Huh? where did they go.

I walk out of the store, looking around.

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