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This will be quite an extremely short chapter. probably a filler.

Some more TaeJin coming your way~

Finally got the inspiration to write something, tho.




"I would tell him... I loved and still love him always will and will never stop loving him... ever..."


Jin's hands shook as he dipped the brush in the palette, he had been feeling under the weather for a while now. In the morning when Jimin asked him why his face was so pale, Jin knew that he had developed a fever. It was normal for that to happen to him. But it had been happening quite frequently. But Jin dismissed Jimin's requests for him to stay home and rest. Jin regrets that decision now. He shifted his eyes towards the other side of the room and flushed a dark red. Taehyung was looking at him with dark, hooded eyes. It felt as though he could see right through Jin. Jin turned his head quickly and pretended like he was doing something (A/N: me all the time).

'Why is he staring at me like that. That's kinda creepy. Does he know how hard my heart is beating right now? Why is it beating so hard? Am I ok?'

Jin kept muttering and didn't even notice the paint had spilled on his pink, denim jeans. By the time he noticed, Tae had already come to his side and started rubbing the paint off with wet tissue paper. Then he made Jin stand up and guided him to the bathroom.

"What's up with you? You seem tense and... distracted..."

Taehyung said, once they were in the bathroom. Jin side eyed the younger and simply shrugged, he kept trying to rub the paint off (green paint). He felt the younger's hand on his own. Tae's felt cold against his warm one.  

"Don't rub it like that or you may make it worse."

Tae removed his shirt and put water on it. Jin started to protest, but Taehyung gave him a sharp look making Jin flush even darker. The younger squatted, so he was facing the paint stain, and started rubbing the wet short against it. Jin flinched as the younger's fingers wrapped around his thigh. The grip tightened, and Jin closed his eyes and covered his mouth, preventing himself from making a sound. Tae didn't seem to notice as he kept rubbing the stain, and once the stain was gone, he looked up and was surprised to see Jin crying. He looked at the hand that was gripping Jin's thigh and quickly removed it. He stood up and held Jin's cheeks, wiping the tears away.

"I'm sorry... I-I didn't notice I was hurting you. Are you okay?"

Jin nodded his head quickly, but the younger didn't let go. 

"Are you sure?"

Jin stared at the Tae, straight in the eyes. He pushed Tae away gently and gave him a sad smile.



























"Why would you care so much- Why would you care if you hurt me or not...?"


Look I'm sorry~ I will update more. I swear on my non-existent mother's name (it was a joke bro-)

Anyway enjoy life...


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