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(It was a bright summer morning in Florida)

I walk over to the couch and sit legs crossed,staring at the TV screen.There was some story of man who wore a white hoodie and angel mask.He wore a shirt that said 'Gaurdian',.I stared at the picture of the man and cringed looking at his subtitle.It said 'This man had stolen estemetly 63 children in the past month'."Why would someone take that many kids?"I said aloud,causing my dog sparky to come trotting in.He looked up at me and looked at his bowl,as if to tell me to feed him."oh yeah sorry boy"I say rubbing his head.I walked over to the cabinet and looked out the window and saw a man with a white hoodie looking at me.I stare as he vanishes behind a car,I look down at my counter there was a note.And to my fear and surprise it said 'Gaurdian'i stepped back and looked at my dog who was eating my cerial on the ground."Well guess I don't...have to feed you huh"I paused."And how did that note get here?..."I looked back at the note that had gone.I felt a sharp tense pain in my stomach and walked to my back porch.And leashes my dog,I walked Down to the packed beach I thought that around more people would be better.So I sat down and let my dog sniff around."hey,thats my spot your sttin in"another teenager walked in front of me."But you weren't"he picked me up and spit in my face" spot..."he repeated .I grabbed my dog and walked down to the lifeguard tower.I shot a look at the teen who had stole my spot"man j wish someone would teach that guy a lesson"I thought to myself.

(Next morning)

I woke to see my dog sitting on my chest whimpering loudly like something was scaring him.I pat his head kissed it"what's wrong pal?"I rub his head again"huh?".I get up and sparky darts out of the room and points his nose at the door."What's that boy?mail"I walk to the door,I smell something horrible and nasty.Like rotted flesh and moldy milk nsaty,I opened the door and fell back instantly.I was shocked to see the teen who had stole my spot on the beach sitting there with a gash in his head."Oh my god!"I say pulling out my phone and going to dial,I stop dead.There was a note on the teens chest that read'Gaurdian'i choked in fright holding my dog that was growling.

(Cops arrive)

"So what hour saying is that you opened the door and saw the boy lying there the way he is now?" He writes on his paper."Alright well try to track this *Guardian*for ya OK?...good just sign here".He held out a clip board and I singed not reading what it said."o-ok I'll try to watch for him to..."I say choking again,The last cop car drives away and I step on the sidewalk." this Guardian guy,he k-killed the guy who harmed me?"I rubed my chin."But...why?"I walked down the street past a cloth shop.In the shop window was a manicen,wearing a white goody and angel mask."Coincidence...I hope"I continue walking down the street and into a movie theater.The movie iv been wanting to see for so long had finally come out near me.I played the ticket and got a small bag of twizzlers,I sat in the back of the theater.The movie rolled.

(At end of movie)

After the movie had finished I looked around and looked in the front row.And I saw a man in a white hoodie.I dropped my bag and ran,"hello nice to meet you"the hoodie man grabbed my arm."h-hello"I said pulling out of his grip."Goodbye".I pass out after that,I wake in a road,I looked at my arms and chest.I was wearing a white hoodie and I looked in a store glass to see,an angel mask wrapped around my face."W-what?"I turn around to be tackled by two cops."Your under arrest....dirt bag"one of them says and hand kuffs me.I start laughing laughing histaricly"hahahahahaha!"."It!hahaha!"I grab the cops wrist and twist it breaking it.I grab the other cops fist coming at me and twist it backward the wrong way.I smile and take one of there guns and runs down the street.

Everything went black...

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