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My name is keith,im a 15 year old gamer boy.I lost my mom when I was 6 and my dad when I was 11,by mystery of death.There bodies were never found only a shoe on my mom.And a peice of brain on my dads dead chest.It was a tough time but now I know well I think I know what happened but payed the price...this is my story.

(2035 Planet:Machinima)

I was sitting in the radio station with a few more guys about my age and we were throwing a football back and forth.Suddenly I hear a kind of,clicking noise and when I turn around I see was not good."Theres a JT!but how those things were ex....tinct...".One of the guys tapps on my shoulder and im looking at the monitor confused."We need to call the ISA or else were gonna have to fight it ourselves"he said.All of the other guys stared at him and jaws dropped."But those things are to powerful and fast....and sneaky"a skinny man wearing glasses said.I noded in agreement but the other three men shook there heads and walked to the slay room."You guys arent really gonna try and take that thing down are you?!"I said rushing to the room being followed by the skinny man."If you go out there youll be dead!toast!"the armed guys stared at me and pushed me aside.They started for the space trap(door).I blocked the exit and looked at the cam and saw the JT had gone.I jolted to the camera and while I was distracted they slipped out the space trap and hoppedd to the crators."No wait!"I ran to the door but the door had closed and me and the skinny man were standing in the station."What will happen to them out there we dont know...but we do know that there likely...not to come back..."he said looking at the cam.We both went to our stations and started searching the cams for the men.I saw a flash of black and a kind of red slash across the cam and then the cam went static.I quickly moved to the next cam and looked at it deeply and it started to static also."No please dont go camer..."the cam went black.This repeated for all of my and the skinny mans cameras and we both turned around and looked at eachother.

(A few hours later 14:24)

We had stared at the door frightened by the same clicking noise that had happened before.I ran to the man and crouched behind the desk next to him.~~~~~We were playing blackjack when I heard a slight knocking sound above us.I looked up and he did the same,we stared fir about a minute.We both heard a loud clicking noise now and we heard a thud and a kind of crumching sound like,broken bones and violent skull crushes.We both grabbed our little pocket knifes and we got them ready.It had been half an hour since the thud and the man started to get up.I got up and saw 2 men...our men standing in the light of the swaying lightbulb."Hey!come here now...."I whispered.They smiled unnaturely like it reached the top of there ears and it went down to there chin.I swear I could see little strings connecting to them but,that was impossible.The thin man walked over to them and reached his hand out to grab there arms.It all happened so fast.I could see a swaying tail above the thin man and I screamed"JT!!!!"he emidietly ran back to me.But before he could,the JTs tail went through his chest and he was running in the air as being pulled into a hole in the ceiling."Nnnooo!!!"I ran to him and yanked on his arm and he was pulled in to fast...I lost him in the darkness....not coming back.I looked at the 3 smiling men who =used to be my friends=.I ran to them and lokked in there eyes,I heard a clicking noise right in my ear."Shut the....fu** up!!!"I grabbed the pocket knife I had in my pocket and chucked it randomly.What I saw made me cringe,I haf hit my mother and my fathers hearts with the knife split in two.I rubbed my eyes and looked again,there were two JTs falling slowly to the ground bleeding through there chests."heh....haha....I did it...that easy huh..."I said.I wish I hadnt said it.The radio finally turned on 'there has been a breach of an alien species close relaitve to the JT but much....stronger it is a very dark purple and has a jagged smile on its face...it also often uses its human prays thin organs hang them like a puppet and attract other humans!!!stay.static.Away!.......beep.My laugh fell when I looked at the men that had the big smiles."oh...shi*"i ran outside and chiked out because I had forgot to fasten a helmet on before leaving.The last thing I saw befire blackness was over 500,000,000 purple blurs run over one of the space crators.I blacked out to the radio'this is the time we stand and all humans.static.fall!!the radio said ina quite deep voice.I had passed away to the final words I will ever hear...the words of all human kinds extinction...and at last.I can be a part of it.........hahahahahaha.......hah......

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