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Its a hard life being....different then the rest of us.I'm just a tiny bit different.
All my life people have made fun if me and teased me about my looks,I have a diformed face...yeah.
And everyone takes advantage of that ONE thing about me.Though I'm always smarter faster and scarier then that's good.
And if they piss me off I'll just touch them,and they'll freak like its the cheese touch from 'Diary Of A Wimpy Kid'.
They'll cut me off,but I'll always find a way to sacred them to DEATH.No happy endings will find you if you make fun of me.And this morning at school they teased me to the limit of my humanity...Pay back time.

As pertending to be the most famous girl in school,I invited all kids that teased me to my home.I had told them I had made a horror house,and that I wanted them to see if it was good.By the time the last kid had entered my house,not realizing that wasn't even the famous girls house....retards.
I spoke through a microphone and began to speak.

"Welcome!to my house of horrors!everybody!" I said into the microphone.

Everyone cheered and clappedvthere hands whooping to me standing high on the stairs.I actually felt good for a moment but then it disappeared .
I waved my hands for everyone to follow me down the hall,I asked them to each take a flashlight.
I told them that I would be controlling action,but really I was the action.I watched them on my phone camera that I had duck taped on the wall and a few walky talkies in the rest of the halls.So I knew when to come out.
I was giggling under my mask as I heard them chatting about how ugly and scary I was.I was giggling because I knew that they wouldn't even be able to talk when im done with them.As I heard them in hall 2 I turned off the lights and they all 'ooed'.
I had grabbed the kitchen knife I had in my pocket and tiptoed to hall 2.I walked up to the closest person I saw,a tall female in a white dress.

"Hey....psst....ya like red?" I whispered to her.

She turned around and I stuck the knife right in her throat,she fell back and I grabbed her arm.I yanked her all the way to my room,I threw her onto my bed and smiled.
All the rest of the of the kids hadn't even realized she was gone,WICH was good.I walked back to the next hallway and hid behind a door,I flipped down my mask still smiling.

"Hey wait where brit-"

Said a girl that walked past the hall I hid in as I grabbed her and covered her mouth.I dragged her to my room and threw her to the floor.Once she saw the dead girl on the bed she freaked and was about to scream.
I kicked her straight in the throat and she hit her head on the floor again.
She held her throat and coughed,I sat next to her fiddling with my knife.I didn't wait 3 seconds before stabbing her 5 times in the back.

"Now you know what it feels like to get stabbed in the back.....ol friend...." I said.

I grabbed my pistol that I kept under my bed and cocked the ammo holder.With a loud click,I walked out the door,grabbing my pink princess pillow.I walked to the back of the group and searched for the next jerk to pay.I held the pillow centimeters from a boys head and shoved the pistol into it.
I shot him in the back of his head twice and crouched.I pulled him into the bathroom,I shoved his head in the toilet and shot him again.I waited a few seconds and kicked his head in the toilet in more and I walked out.

"Well now....iv found my new obsession...." I whispered.

I grabbed some Lego pieces from my old toy box that was just sitting in the hall.I skipped to the back of the group silently and ran passed a kid into the kitchen.The boy stepped in after me and looked around,he walked to the sink.
I walked up behind him and grabbed the back of his head,my eyes turned red slightly.I slammed his head forward onto the corner if the counter multiple times.
He grabbed at my hands franticly.
I got mad and smashed his face on the glass in the sink,he kicked me in my leg.I fell back and looked up at him,he had barely been staring at all.
He has blood down his face and black and blue marks from the counter.
I tackled him onto the table,I grabbed a fork and stabbed at him in the thigh.I left the fork covered in blood in his leg and grabbed him by his shirt collar.
I slammed his head onto the table so many times I can't even count how many.I grabbed the Lego pieces from my pocket and held them to his half dead face.I giggled and he started to cry and tear up.I stabbed them both in his left eye,I turned him around and slammed his face on the table.
Smashing the Lego's deep into his eye and blood started to cover the table.
He slid slowly to the floor with a small thud,I just left him there and walked to the group.
I routinely did this with at least 4 more kids,I then looked at the last 4 kids looking around.
The four kids now realized everybody was gone so they began calling there names.
No answer.
I grabbed a boys neck with my bloody now black and red fingers.

"Welcome t-to my horror house...." I whispered in his ear.

I dug my nails into his neck skin and spun his head all the way back.
I looked at him as he thud to the floor as the other three kids stared at me.

"Member m-me?....friends?...." I said once more.

They all ran down the hall to the last checkpoint and spun the corner.
I sprinted over to them as fast as possible and screeched in ones face causing her to fall back.She reached up for her friend to help her but her friend shook her head and ran down the stares.
I grabbed the fallen girls face and examined her face before opening my teeth layered mouth.She screeched as I wrapped my mouth around her while head ripping it off in my mouth.I dropped her head and through her body off the stair case top.

"Hue hue hue"

I walked down the stares blood dripping from my claws spikes on my back and my teeth.The 2 kids rammed the front door in hope it would break open.
But it didn't.
I grabbed a coat rack by the door and through it at the last boy of the group.
Spearing him and pinning his head on the door I chuckled.
Not a normal chuckle.
A blood freezing chuckle.
The last girl hugged the dead boys body and weeped her eyes out.

"Aww....did I spear your crushes head open?....sorry dear....didn't meant to....HURT YA FEELINGS."

I dragged her away down the hall her screeching and me laughing my head off.My long scaly and spiked tail wrapped around her legs tight.


(4 days later/Fox news)
There was a murder friendzee at the
Haunted house of blackwater family death....word is there is still spirits of the family living in the abandoned house.There was one diformed girl and how when she was little had kids tease her head off.And how she might have been the one to all this murder chaos.....poor c-chil-children....

"Welp.....I should probably go check the ' dummies ' in the back....."

I clapped my hands together and looked at the pile of dead kids that lye in front of me.

"Hmm......I liked that horror house party.....everyone seemed to enjoy i-it to....I it again....hehehe"

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