Chapter 20- Team

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I could tell Max got déjà vu. We walked into the rocket, a bit more improved than the last time we used it. Sharkboy watched Cordelia and me carefully. We were given goggles, which were better than the old ones.

Cordelia sneezed, making both of us jump. She was getting a cold. I moved her chair, so hers was touching mine. She gripped my hand. She was scared. I couldn't blame her. I felt like I was on the verge of death every second.

"Lift off in three, two, one..." Sharkboy hit the button, and the rocket lifted off of the ground. Max kept his mouth closed; a skill he learned from last time. He smiled at me. I smiled back. He was a lot older and less clueless.

"Max, I suggest you close your eyes. If there is something harming the planet, it's something you created," Lavagirl advised.

Max didn't have to think twice.

It took almost half an hour to get to the planet. My hair was messing with me, to the point of where I just looked at Cordelia. It was slowly rising, making me worried. It was why I wished the rocket would go faster.

"Maverick, Seraphina, you get off first," Marissa said.

The almost teenagers ran off the rocket, excited to see the new world. Max and Marissa followed their son. Lavagirl made sure Cordelia, and I got off before Sharkboy, and she followed the three of us.

Planet Drool looked like a nightmare. It was as dark as when we came here almost sixteen years ago. I gasped when I saw the ocean. The edges were frozen. Marissa put on the icicle choker and worked her powers over the ocean. She unfroze it, and Lavagirl made the volcanoes around the ocean warm it up. The color disappeared from Cordelia and I's hair, making me sigh in relief.

"We're okay," I assured them. "Cor, can you stick with Sera?"

"I'll watch her with my life," Seraphina assured me.

I nodded, smiling at the girl. She had no hints of her father. She had everything I saw in Lavagirl. Seraphina picked up our daughter and carried her as we walked. I walked down to the shoreline, my presence bringing some creatures to it. I haven't been here since Cordelia was born.

My eyes glowed as I ran down to the water. I dove in, the water shocking my body temperature. My hair floated around my face as my friends gathered together. They recognized their queen.

Cordelia slowly fell into the water. Her roots were brown, but the rest of her hair faded into blue. A blue ball gown made it look like she was a jellyfish. She had blue leggings underneath. She had gills under her ears, helping her breathe underwater.

"Mommy, look!" Cordelia said excitedly.

"You're so grown up, baby!" I said, grinning at the little girl.

Seaweed sprouted from the sand. I grabbed Cordelia and swam out of the way. They were trying to grab us. I stopped and wrapped Cordelia in a bubble. Some of the electric eels guarded it. I controlled the seaweed with glowing eyes. I was almost scaring Cordelia.

"Mommy!" Cordelia screamed, pointing to the surface.

It was freezing over again. I could see Marissa's attempts to stop it. I sent Cordelia to the surface, knowing I would always put her first. A seaweed tentacle wrapped around my ankle, forcing me down. I needed to go up. The ice was frozen over and was making the ocean colder.

Finally, a piranha bit through it, and I pushed toward the surface. I took a deep breath through my girls. My hair was turning white fast. I pounded on the ice, finally finding a weak spot.

"Aqua!" Marissa screamed.

Max finally got a hold of his powers. The plants stopped. Marissa stopped the ice and pulled me out of the water. I landed on the shore, coughing violently. Cordelia ran up to me, hugging me tightly.

"Never do that again. You could have been killed," Sharkboy said, inspecting me for injuries.

"Not the first time, though," I croaked.

"No time for joking," Lavagirl said. "And a very dark joke with that. We need to find the source."

We heard screaming coming from the amusement park and looked toward it.

"We just possibly found it."

The Adventures of Sharkboy, Aquagirl, and LavagirlWhere stories live. Discover now