Chapter 4

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"BAHAHAHAHA YOU CANT GET ME!" Y/n yells as she's running around a tree sticking her tongue out at her new "friend". Illumi was currently trying to stab her after he trys to touch her again and he can now. Somehow. Y/n decided to come back to the Zoldyk Estate since she was bored.

"I just need to stab you once so I can take you to my father. Then we can be partners in killing," Illumi says sprinting for Y/n around the tree with his normal emotionless face. Illumi thought this was gonna be easy because he's really fast as he is an assasin but it seems that Y/n is really fast too. Y/n was confused on this too. Shes gotten stronger and faster and is better at everything since she's gotten here.

"No way! He could kill me if he doesn't like me!" Y/n says as as goes up the little playground that Illumis brother has. It was currently 4:45 am in the morning. There were butlers outside but Illumi clearly gave them instructions.

"I have a buddy I'd like to bring. She's caught my interest. You will not tell Father any of this, especially not my mother. You will also never lay a finger on her do you understand," Illumi says to the butler in the butlers house.

"Yes I understand young master," the butlers bow down.

"If my dad doesn't like you and kills you then that is how it's going to be. He will decide if it's good for me to be around you," Illumi says as he's at the bottom of the slide. He grabs the girls ankles and drags her down the slide. He then sits down on the dirt while Y/n sits at the bottom of the slide.

"I never even agreed to become an assasin. I only came because I was bored," Y/n says as she lays down on the slide. Illumi stands up and looks at Y/n from above.

"Hm, well if thats what you want, then you are no use for me,"Illumi says with threatening eyes. Y/n starts sweating after seeing him like that.

"On second thoughts, ill think about it," Y/n says as she stands up with a hand behind her head. "I'll get going now! Don't wanna be late for..uhm.. I FORGOT TO WALK MY FISH!" Y/n says as she runs towards the tree they met at first then starts climbing it to get out. Y/n was really scared of dying. "Maybe being friends with and assasin isn't a really good idea," Y/n thinks as she starts running really fast through the trees along the Zoldyk Gate Walls.

Y/n didn't come back for 3 days. She found out that Tokyo doesn't exsist here. She concluded she is in another universe. It was crazy at first but it makes sense now.

Back to not going to the Zoldyk house, Illumi was dissapointed. Be waited out at 4:00 those 3 days, in the tree they met. He didn't know why he was feeling like that though. He met her like 5 days ago.

Illumis Point Of View

I was waiting out in our tree for the fourth day hoping Y/n would come back. It was now 6:00 am so I jumped down the tree.

"ILLUMIII! DAD IS CALLING US IN!" I hear Killuas little voice screaming from the park. I walk towards him and give him a pat on the head.

"Okay, let's go in" I tell him softly while taking his hand in mine.

Timeskip to the table

The table was really quiet. The only thing we can hear was killua making a mess with his food.

"So Illumi, it's been 5 days," I hear my father say.

"What do you mean father?" I ask him curiously.

"That girl,"

"Oh" I think. How did he figure it out thought. Did the butlers tell him?

"No the butlers did not tell me anything, I found out myself. She is quite..loud," he says as he looks at me. I don't know how to respond. I can't tell what he's thinking by his face.

"What is she to you? Your little girlfriend?" My Grandpa says and he laughs loudly and slaps the table. Everyone starts speaking at once now.


"BAHAHAHAHA I CANT BELEIVE IT! ILLUMI?! HAVING A GIRLFRIEND?! WHO WOULD WANT HIM I MEAN LOOK AT HIM!" Milluki yells as food spits out his mouth. Unbelievable how he's the one talking.

"Whoaaa are you going to give me another sister!" Killua asks me with stars in his eyes. There he goes again calling Alluka his sister.

"She is just someone who I wanted to hire as a partner. It seems like she's turned that opportunity down," I tell them the truth. Well she wasn't my friend. Was she? It doesn't matter. I need to focus on becoming a successful assasin.

"Hmm, well if thats the case, then I will let it slide. If she ever comes back though to just 'hang out' then I will not hesitate to kill her. Unless she is useful to us.." my dad says with a murderes glare at me.

"I understand father. I will go back to my room," I excuse myself. I head back to my room and lay on my bed. I look to the side and see a huge canvas my father gave me.

"I know how much stress you get from training Killua and Alluka so I wanted to give you this. This assignment is for you to paint. Painting will hopefully release some stress for you," my father says as he leaves my room.

I get up and get the paints and canvas ready. I let my hand do whatever it wants at first without me thinking. After a minute, I can see I had drawn a head.

"Hm, interesting," I stare at the start of my painting. I smile a little until I realize I had stared for too long. I start on the eyes trying to remember every little detail of the person I'm trying to paint. It was easy for me to do this. Ever since I lay my eyes on someone, I memorize all their featers. Iv learned this person's features more than anyone's thought. I continue to paint for a while until I get to the hair.

"I'll paint more tommorow," I say in my mind as I check the time. Its time to train Killua. I have always hated training Killua. I hate seeing him in pain. But its to make him a good assasin. I have to do my part as a big brother.

Tbh I love creating the plot and story I just hate typing it all out 😞

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