West, The Monster Trapped in Time

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After putting Ollie into bed, you head to the kitchen. You don't need supplies for your people, however, your mind can't help but wonder. Wonder to a monster that you haven't seen in 4 years. A monster that believed you when no one else would. His name is West. He is a kind monster, who you met before the war. You grab a bag again and this time, you grab a pen and paper starting to write something down.

"Something on your mind, Doll?" Someone asks. You look up from the paper to find G. You roll your eyes at the pet name and look back on the paper.

"I have doubts that my life is something you truly care about." You say. G doesn't say anything. You hear G walk over to you but you ignore him. You let the paper sit on the counter and grab a first aid kit. You place the first aid in the bag and pulled your knife from your pocket. You hum in thought. A quick sharpen could help.

You place the knife back in your pocket. You look at the bag and hum. G is about to say something but the door opens to find two strange monsters enter that cafeteria. G looks at them confused but you just walk over to them with an angry look on your face.

"Sister Y/n, it's been..." One of them begins to say. You don't say anything but you did slap the two in the face. They accept it.

"Its been 4 years. 4 years since West told you to run. Where in the fucking world were you?!" You ask. G walks over.

"We are sorry, Sister, but Rock here is bad at directions." The other says. You sigh and rub your eyes.

"Four years, it took you two four years to make it back. You better explain yourself, Rock! I thought your two were dead. Or worst, you two betrayed what West and I stood for." You demand of them. Rock, who might be a rock monster, looks around.

"I see you have another monster, but where's West?" Rock asks. That hit a nerve with you. He avoided the question. You smack Rock in the face again.

"Go, your punishment will be discussed later." You say. Rock leaves and now it's you, G and the other monster. "North, you better explain." You cross your arms, showing that you don't want to be fucked with again.

"Sister, West told us to run, we did so, we didn't see where we were going until we almost got killed by both the Monster Hunters and Protectors. We escaped but fell into a hole, where I broke a leg. That's why it took us so long, Rock kept making my broken leg worst after it healed." North explains. You hum and walk over to your bag. G looks at you confused then turns to North.

"Hold on, you two are monsters, why didn't you heal the broken leg?" G asks. You grab the bag and hold it over your shoulder.

"There are two types of monsters. The ones that can use magic at will, and ones that need an object to cast magic. North and Rock need tools to use magic." You explain. North nods his head.

"I hate to ask but, where IS West?" North asks. You sigh.

"That's where I'm going. There was... an incident. North, I'm going to save West. You are in charge until I get back. And G, you're with me." You order. G glares at you.

"What? Why am I coming along?!" He asks. You turn to him sharply.

"Because you just came here. You were part of the Monster Protectors and I can't trust you here. North wouldn't know what to do if your people attacked because I gave you free range." You explain, glaring back. G doesn't say anything. You grab the bag and North walks to you.

"Y/n, please... whatever happened to West, stay safe." He says. You look at him. You smile.

"Thanks North. However, you know me. Safe has never been my style." You say, as you start walking out the room. G follows you. "I'll be back."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2022 ⏰

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