number 6

58 56 5

You copy Hoseok, shoving the rest of your ice cream in your mouth, giving you a brain freeze. But with no time to stop and wait for it to go away you follow Hoseok who is now rushing back out the door. You almost bump into him as you exit because he's stopped, now standing still and looking up. You follow his eyes only to see a big black puff of smoke drifting towards your area. 

"Quick! We need to get back to the others and leave." Hoseok says, starting to run back along the road. You start running to, now easily moving in your new outfit. You run all the way back to the trapdoor in no time, climbing into the hole and moving fast through the passageways. 

Left, right, right, straight, left, straight, right....

And then suddenly you're climbing up the ladder and into the place. 

"Oh no, they're still sleeping." Hoseok says, as you realize how silent the room is. "Here. Help me wake them up." And suddenly it feels like Deja vu. You're waking up people to get them out of somewhere while there's a fire coming. Pushing the feeling away you run to the hallway, copying Hoseok's actions. 

"Wake up! We need to move NOW!" Hoseok yells into the room, knocking and banging on the door. You do the same. 

"Hoseok, what's happening?" Namjoon says as his figure appears, coming out of his room. 

"They're closer than we thought. There's no time. We have to go NOW." Hoseok replies, a grave tone in his voice.

"Okay, let's do this. I'll get Jin hyung and we'll start gathering everything up. You wake Yoongi up somehow. You always manage to even though that man sleeps through like everything..." Namjoon looks at you, "Y/n wake up the maknaes and tell them to get ready to go. Then you get ready as well." His face is serious and calm at the same time, and it feels like whatever hate he felt towards you before had died down a bit. Hoseok nods and proceeds to go into his room and wake up Yoongi. Namjoon turns around to walk back in his room, and you see him wake Jin up before explaining everything quickly. 

You take a deep breath before going to the maknaes room door and knocking. 

"Jungkook! Taehyung! Jimin! We need to go now! Wake up!" You shout into the door. You then turn your head to press your ear to the door and listen for any movement. Nothing. After thinking for a minute you decide you would have to go in. Slowly turning the doorknob you push the door open. "Jimin! Taehyung! Jungkook! Wake up! We have to go now!" You shout. Finally, some movement as they slowly wake up. Jimin's eyelids flutter open before seeing you and letting out a small yell. 

"Are you meant to be in here? Isn't there some privacy law or something?" He stutters. Jungkook and Taehyung slowly wake up and see you before you say, "Well, the zombies are coming now. So it's either I came in to wake you up or you guys die. Pick one." You say, an unknown serious tone in your voice.

"What!? They're here now?!" Taehyung sits up and the covers fall off his chest revealing his bare chest. Realizing what he'd done, his hands quickly pulled the covers up, covering his chest again. Your eyes widened and your hand instantly came up to cover your eyes, and turn your head away. "Okay. We got it now. Get out." Taehyung said. As you turned your back to them to leave you could hear Jungkook and Jimin snickering and teasing Taehyung.        

"Maknaes are awake and getting ready." You report back to Namjoon, who's helping Jin stuff food and other essentials in a few backpacks. "Good. Go check how Hobi's doing. See if he needs help." 

"Hobi?" You say.

"Hoseok." He responds, not looking up at you. 

"Oh right." You say, leaving to check on Hoseok. As you approach the door you could hear a few thumps and some weird noises. Opening the door you see Hoseok standing on the bed, frozen as he sees you enter. 

"I've tried almost everything. Nothing's working. Normally tickling his feet wakes him up, but not this time. I've done screaming...and even hitting him with a pillow." Your eyes travel to the two pillows left on the floor. 

"Have you tried waking him up normally? Like just pulling the covers off or something?" You ask.

", I haven't" Hoseok says, a dumb expression on his face. You walk over to the bed as Hoseok steps down to join you by your side. 

"Yoongi ah. Wake up." You say, putting your hand on his shoulder and rocking him back and forth. Yoongi groans, pulling the covers higher over his head. You look at Hoseok and nod. Hoseok walks to the end of the bed, grabbing the two corners of the covers and pulling hard. "Ahh!!" Yoongi yells. "It's cold!" 

You hit him gently. "Get up you lazy bum. The zombies are about to be here." 

"What!?" Yoongi sits up, eyes fully open now. 

"Thanks y/n, you can go now." Hoseok says, smiling, "I'll take it from here." You leave the room walking back out almost bumping into the maknaes who are ready and packed. 

"Oh! Sorry y/n." Jimin says as they almost bump into you. You follow them out where Jin and Namjoon are pretty much finished packing as well. 

"Are you ready y/n?" Jungkook asks.

"Yeah. I mean, I didn't bring any stuff with me so there's nothing really for me to pack." You reply. 

"Oh yeah, but also are you like ready ready?" Jungkook asks again.

You pause before saying, "Yes."


"Okay everyone...wait where's Hoseok and Yoongi?" Namjoon looks around before turning to Jin, "Go get them please." 

"Okay." Jin goes to find Hoseok and Yoongi.

"Okay everyone, we've done this a few times now so just like normal, once we get far enough away start looking for a suitable place to stay. Y/n make sure you stay close to us okay, because if you lose us or something we won't come back for you." Namjoon finishes as Jin comes back with Hoseok and Yoongi. "Okay everyone's here, let's go." Namjoon says. You all make a messy line to climb down the ladder. A still half asleep Yoongi almost falls but Jungkook manages to keep him steady. As you're climbing down you see the maknaes hitting Yoongi to wake him up. You chuckle, feeling warm in this situation where you should normally be feeling anxious and scared. 

It didn't make sense. How could a group of seven strangers make you feel at ease when you were about to be potentially eaten alive? 

𝚨𝐩𝛐𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐲𝐩𝐬𝐞 [𝚩𝐓𝐒𝐱𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫]Where stories live. Discover now