what is this?

409 6 10

—notes at the end of the chap!

TW: grouped letters (ex: whatisthis?)


The feeling made her nauseous, uncomfortable at most. What made this feeling worse...was that it always happens around Marcy. And I mean always, when she thought, talked with, and saw Marcy it would appear.

Anne currently sitting in front of a shallow pond, was contemplating what was happening with her. Was she sick? Was Marcy sick? Confusion was all around. Anne needed someone to talk with, not Marcy...No, Sasha? No, on bad terms...Sprig? I guess he would work.

Standing up, Anne brushed off the dirt on her skirt. She heard her heartbeat in her ears as she thought about Marcy. And almost lost herself in her thoughts when she was able to straighten herself up and make her way around Wartwood. Almost if the Universe was playing with her, she saw Marcy talking with Maddie around Stumpy's.

Anne's stare lingered on Marcy but as soon as Marcy started to turn her head, Anne screamed and ran as fast as she could. Marcy was hecka confused, was Anne okay? As in instinct, Marcy quickly said bye to Maddie and started following Anne.

"SPRIGGG!!!" Anne shouted, in urge to let all this out. Sprig quickly turned his head to a clearly blushed up face Anne and stopped his conversation with Polly to check up on Anne. "Whats up Anne?" Sprig said casually, slight hint of confusion. "WENEEDTOTALKK" Anne said in a hurry, dragging Sprig with her to a "secret" spot.

Meanwhile Marcy was still looking for Anne, she found Polly not moving and just staring in a direction. Marcy room a short breath break before approaching Polly, "Polly- do you know where Anne went?" Marcy said while scratching her head. "That way." Polly said, pointing to toward a small forest.

Marcy quickly sprinted over to the location Polly pointed to, clearly worried for Anne. When she made it there, she found Anne and Sprig and figured Anne was already getting the help she needed. Marcy started to turn the other way when she heard the meantion of her name. Curious got its way and Marcy snuck behind a tree and listened...

"It's Marcy.." Anne said, as her and Sprig finally settled down. "What's up with Marcy?" Sprig asked, tilting his head while looking at Anne. "I feel so sick, everytime I think about, look at, or talk with her. Like if- My heart will explode, I'll throw up, and I seem to have a fever..." Anne looked down at her feet. Sprigs eyes widened, while Marcy covered her mouth.

Sprig jumped to his feet, "Oh my god Anne! You're in love!" Sprigs smile was wide. Anne's heartbeat quickened, "Wha-What? No- me and Marcy are f-friends!" Even Anne stuttered at mentioning friendship. Marcy sunk to the bottom of the tree, her cheeks covered in pink.

Maddie who was following after Marcy slowly approached Marcy, "Marcy are you okay?" she said. Sprig and Anne both snapped their heads back to where Maddie was standing. Marcy immediately stood up and quickly said - "M-MY BAD FOR THE INTRUSION!" she ran as fast as she could, Maddie was lost, Sprig was regretting his decisions, and Anne was groaning while crawling up into a ball.

———this time skip was brought to you by newt tights———

Marcy walked back in forth through her small room, her cheeks had not stopped burning ever since she overheard the conversations. Thoughts ran through her mind and she only could end up laying face down on the floor. A knock on the door got Marcy straight up, she hesitantly walked to the door and peeped through the tiny hole. Anne was standing right outside the door, Sprig giving her a thumbs up and Anne only letting out a shaky sigh. Marcy immediately turned away from the door and covered her face, her heartbeat raised and her cheeks came very hot.

Anne patiently waited for Marcy to answer the door, Anne would be lying if she said she wasn't nervous. Obviously this would turn into a long discussion, and Anne had no idea what to expect. Sweat dripped down Anne's neck and anxiety crawled it's way in and Anne started doubting if she should do this. Marcy would quickly make peeks though her windows to see if Anne was still there, and she was. Marcy was incredibly embarrassed, all she could think was: What if I just wait it out? Maybe I answer and say I can't talk right now? Do I answer and actually talk with her? Do I tell her I love her too? The thoughts clouded Marcy's mind. 

Finally gathering up the courage, Marcy put her hand on the doorknob. She slowly turned it, and finally opened the door. "HEYANNABANANA-UHWHATDOYOUNEED?" Marcy said quickly, and put a big grin on her face. Sweat was dripping slowly off of Marcy's neck, she mentally cursed herself for answering the door. "Uh- Hey...Can we talk?" Anne said, slowly...but inside her heart beaming so quickly. "Uhmmmmmmm- sureee!" Marcy responded, while opening the door wide enough for Anne to enter.

Anne entered and sat down on the edge of Marcy's bed, then tapped for Marcy to sit next to her. Marcy closed the door and followed in suite, a silence followed. Finally Anne spoke up, "So about...what you- what you heard in the forest." Anne started, hoping Marcy could continue. "Ah-Uh," Marcy tried to find the words, but she just couldn't. Marcy took a long thinking point, and realized that, Marcy had also liked Anne for a while now too. Well she had known, but now that she knew Anne liked her back, Why not confess now? 

Marcy took a deep breath and thought back to the teen magazines she had tried to read one time, nothing seemed to pop up. Marcy turned to Anne, who was blank-starring at Marcy. Marcy them let out a puff of air and finally said, "YOUKNOWTHISISREALLYHARDTOSAYBUTILIKEYOU- ANDIHOPEYOULIKEMEBACKIMEANIDIDJUSTHEARYOUANDSPRIGSCONVOBUTANYWAYS-" Marcy let out a large breath of air, and had to breathe in and out to regain her breath. Anne looked utterly confused, and that's when Marcy realized she had said it too quickly. Which mean she had to do it again- mustering up that courage again, she took Anne's hands and looked deeply into her eyes. "Anne, I-I like you...like a lot, and not as a friend." Marcy said with incredibly red cheeks, Anne looked be-wildered. Marcy immediately took it back- "FORGET WHAT I SAID AHHAHAAH-" Marcy then got cut off...

Anne hugged her arms around Marcy, and kissed her on the lips. 


Sasha stopped cleaning her sword for a second, and took a moment to think. "Oh my god...Grime, I just realized-" She said while setting down her cloth, "Marcy and Anne were hella gay for eachother..."


(I noticed you guys liked the Sasha extra in the first chap so I'll add these to every chaps from now on! Well unless they don't fit-)

italics are thoughts btw 🤩




The time skip thing was inspired by like a Naruto book I read a long time ago 😭

anyways hope u enjoyed 🤪

btw long paragraphs?? do we like?? or do you like the short little snippets...?

—start : 11:00 pm

—end : 11:20 pm (NEXT DAY)

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