Chapter One

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"Come on! Hurry up! We are going to be late!" I yelled as I ran into the well lit kitchen to grab my keys. My brother running down the flattened carpet stairs with no shoes on looking distressed.
"James come on dude. Where the fuck are your shoes? We are already running behind schedule because you forgot to set your alarm." I said in a tone loud and irritated enough for him to hear as I run through the house looking for his beat up white vans. I know right, so original with his clothing choices. Well I guess shoe choices? Anyways.
"I don't know y/n stop yelling at me, you're making the headache I have, 10x worse." He stood in the hallway rubbing his temples like an idiot. I scoffed and threw up my hands in defeat.
"Fine, go barefoot. Borrow shoes from a friend I don't care, I have to go to work, so lets go." I said as I grabbed my things and walked out of the door waiting for him right outside of it.
He finally walked out of the tall doorway and shut the door behind him walking sluggishly to my car. I lock the door and quickly walked to the drivers side of my car.
"Can we stop and get something to eat?" He looked at me while I started the car. I turned my head and with an annoyed face, while I made eye contact with my 16 year old brother. I shook my head in disbelief that he had just asked me that. He is making me late to work and he is going to ask me for food? He was still looking at me, awaiting an answer. My response to his question was to just turn on my music and pull out of the driveway.
"So I will take that as a no then?" he said trying to raise his voice over the music.
About 10 minutes later we ended up at the back of his school. West Wayland Highschool.
"Thank you sis, see you at home?" He asked through the passenger side window. I nodded.
"See you at home loser. Have a good day, love you." I said to him as he walked away from my car waving his hand in dismissal. I roll up my window and drive off to start my route to my job. I work at this banquet, which is inside of a golf course. It is a lot of work but pays well, so I can handle the amount of work I have.
"Y/n! Happy Thursday! How is your morning going? Good I hope!" My manager asks me as she walks up to me with a stack of worksheets.
"I was almost late because of my brother but all is well, and I got here on time!" she chuckled as she handed me this weeks events that are happening on this side of the course. A wedding and a prom, in one weekend? Jesus, I guess I won't be relaxing and watching anime on Saturday like I planned. Maybe I will be able to do something when I get off after each event.
"I know I know, a wedding and a prom within three days. The prom is going on tomorrow night AND Saturday night. Both nights will have around 200 guests each. Sunday is the day of the wedding and there are going to be about 250 guests." I silently scream on the inside while keeping a smile on my face as she explains to me the rest of the instructions. I will probably be working over time too, so there goes my whole weekend, which is fine, I need the money anyways. I nodded as my manager, Malia, handed me the papers that were sitting impatiently in her hands to me. I then walked into the tent as looked upon the rest of my co-workers and sighed. They all wait for me to give them direction and instructions.
"Y/n, what do we have planned for this weekend?" Ben looked at me from across the room while sipping on his sweet tea arizona. I tell them that we have a two night prom and a wedding the day following. They all already look exhausted, but once thy found out how many guests there were going to be, they groaned in annoyance while walking to what we call the barn. The barn holds all of the golf carts, the tables, the chairs, the food, pretty much everything we need for our events.
Later that day
I wave bye to my co-workers for the day and walk off to my car. As I am arriving to my shiny white car, whomst I have named Baby, I hear someone yell my name.
"Y/N!!! Wait up!" I turn towards the sound of the yelling and see Mila. I smiled as I saw her running towards me. She always manages to bring a smile to my face even if I have had a hard day.
"What's up?" I ask in her direction as she reaches in her purse and pulls out a small piece of paper.
"Well, for starters, I got a new number, thats what this is for." I take the paper she is offering me noticing there is a new number on it with her name right above it.
"Now that you have my number I was wondering what you were doing tonight?" In my head I was hoping she was just asking to be nice. I severely doubt that was the case however.
"Uh nothing much? Probably going to go home eat some food and maybe watch either a movie or anime. Why? Whats up?" She shyly smiled and looked down at the ground.
"Have room for one more for the night?" She asked with distress in her voice, What happened, why did she seem so sad all of the sudden? I asked myself this while I caressed her shoulder and gave her my answer.
"Of course Mila, hop in, we can get food on the way if you want. My treat." I said smiling softly while she looked back at me. A small smile reached across her face and nodded.
We got in the car and I handed her my phone so she could choose the music for the ride.
Before we drove off we decided on getting Wendys.
Once back at my place I walked her in and showed her around the house, showed her where the bathrooms are, downstairs and upstairs. Then I showed her my brothers and my dads room. I brought her to my room which had a blue light emitting from under the door. I opened the door and my cat came running up to me and meowed while walking between my legs. I picked up my cat, Kai, and showed her to Mila. Mila is not a cat person and Kai is not a person cat. So they left each other alone after their first interaction. I sat down on my queen size bed and and patted the part of the bed next to me for Mila to sit down. After she sat we ate our food and then she told me why she was so upset. She had just been broken up with by her boyfriend and he kicked her out. She was too embarrassed to go to her parents house for some reason, and now we are here. I hugged her and consoled her and told her that I was sorry. I turned on my tv and asked what she wanted to watch. We ended up falling asleep watching Demon Slayer.
I awoke the next morning from my brother banging on my door. I groaned as I checked my phone and checked the time. 6:32am. I hate having to be awake this early. I looked over at Mila who was still sleeping, despite the fact that James was pounding on my door. I got up and grabbed my clothes I was going to wear to work that day and walked to my bathroom to shower. I will just wake her up when I get back from showering.
After my shower and after I was dressed I walked back into my room to see Mila sitting on my chair at my vanity looking at herself.
"Good morning sleeping beauty, how did you sleep?" I asked her while I used my towel to get the excess water out of my hair. She smiled really big at me through my vanity mirror and turned around to look at me.
"Why did you never tell me about your awesome bed?? It's huge!!! I haven't slept that well in so long." She giggled while looking around on the ground and soon enough she had picked up her dirty clothes from yesterday to change into. I stopped her before she left my room with confusion in my eyes.
"Do you need clean clothes? Do you want to shower?" I asked her and immediately started going through my dresser looking for clothes that might fit her. She smiled once again as I handed her some of my clothes and a towel.
"Thank you y/n really, this means a lot." She turned towards the door and walked into the bathroom to shower and get ready. I turn towards my closet with my back towards the door, which was left open my Mila.
"Whos the babe?" I heard from my doorway, I turn to see James. He was smirking like the idiot he was. I scoffed and rolled my eyes at him going back to what I was doing, which was looking for my shoes.
"Mila, yes I know shes very attractive, no you would not have a chance with her." He then copied my actions and scoffed at my words not believing me.
"Pfft sure. We both know I have more game than it looks like I do." I shake my head.
"Please just finish getting ready. I don't want you to be late." I shove him out of my room and shut the door. I checked the time and it was already 7:15, we leave in 30 minutes. Mila came back in so me and her finished getting ready for work together.
The last 30 minutes of the morning went smoothly and once all three of us were ready we got in my car and left. After we dropped off James at school we drove to the gas station to get some snacks. I forgot that we don't start work until 2pm today instead of 9am.
"Want to maybe, go get our nails done? Maybe after that head to the mall to finish passing the time we have?" I asked turning my head towards her while we were standing in line.
"Is that a serious question? Yes! I am so down!" We finished paying and got back into the car. I had her look up a nail salon near a mall, with good reviews. We decided on one that was about 15 minutes away from us and then another 10 from the mall.
After we got our nails done we went to the mall and belined for the food court to get real..ish.. Food. Red bull, coffee, and a donut. which was all we had eaten from the gas station, was not doing the trick. We landed on the decision on getting pretzels before we shop and to come back and get something else when we were done.
After we obtained our pretzels and were walking around we walked by spencers. I giggled and made a joke about going into the best store in the mall. I looked over at her to see her slightly confused.
"What have you never been inside spencers before? Hahaha." I once again made a joke, surely she had been in a spencers. Who hasn't been in- she looked at me and gave a small laugh. Oh my god she has never been inside spencers.
"No way! I am taking you in there right now." I grabbed her hand and pulled her into it. We were looking at the shirts, then the hats, then the mugs, once we were getting closer and closer to the back I looked at her and laughed.
"Are you. Ready to see. The back?"
"Yeah obviously what could be so bad about it? I don't get it." Shaking her head in doubt as we walked to the back of the store. I kept my eyes on her while we looked at all of the NSFW items. Her face then turned a dark dark red.
"What? Not what you expected?" I laughed as she quickly turned around and walked back towards the shirts. As I turn the corner I bump into someone.
"Oh shit my bad." A mans voice, walking to the back of spencers. I looked up at him. I blushed. He- he was so pretty.
"Uh- it- it's uh- it's okay." I stuttered as I walked away and heard him chuckle. I shook my head in embarrassment. Once I reached Mila, I took her arm and drug her out of the store.
"I can't believe I have never been in there. That is a crazy ass-" she saw my face and how pink I was. I just saw the most attractive man ever and I didn't even say anything? What is wrong with me. This is why I am single, and he LAUGHED at me. God I hate my life.
"What has you so embarrassed huh?" She said with chuckle as she stopped dead in her tracks.
"What? Oh uh nothing can we just go to Victorias Secret? I need a new bra and they are having a sale." I looked down at the ground trying to forget the embarrassing interaction.
"Ouuuu! Bra sale? I am in! Come on lets go!" She said with excitement in her voice. Suddenly I am being dragged by my arm in the direction of Victorias Secret.
After our adventure in there I had already forgotten about th incident in Spencers. I took her to the last major store I wanted to go to before we went and got lunch. The store is called Tokyo. It has a bunch of anime posters, and plushies, I just wanted to see if I could find a couple things in there. I showed her all of the plushies and she fell in love with like 20 of them. I sat there and helped her figure out two to buy and then I walked to the anime posters. They had the anime posters I had been looking for so, I may or may not have bought all of them. I checked my phone and saw that we had spent like an hour and a half in this store. It was already 12:45pm. It was a 45 minute drive to work, so we had to leave soon.
"Hey, we need to go, is there anything else you wanna get?" As we turn the corner she sees the lego store with no line. She looks at me and slowly smiles. I rolled my eyes and smiled with her. She skipped to the store while I walked behind her. She did not need long in there to spend a good amount of money on legos.
We ended back up at the food court and just got a piece of pizza. After eating it we were on our way. We got to work 10 minutes early and we went to the gas station to get another Red Bull since it was going to be a long night. We walked into work and the night began.
The next day
The night before was so hectic, so many teens, so much drama. I am not ready for tonight. Mila came and spent the night with me again since she was tired and just wanted to sleep. We woke up at 12:30pm after not getting back home until 2 in the morning. We got up, got ready, and left for work and did the same thing that we did last night, tonight.
The next day
Mila once again came home with me after work. Again, we did not get home until 2am. Today is the last day of work until next Thursday. I woke up at 12:15 pm and figured I had time to make me and Mila something to eat before we got ready.
I made us a couple frozen pancakes each and brought them up to her to find her on the floor, just laying there. Being weird as fuck. I laughed and she jumped.
"There you are! Where'd you go-Pancakes?!" She jumped up and grabbed her plate from my hand and sat back down on the floor to eat. After we ate, we got ready and went to work. Today is the day of the wedding. Weddings are always more stressful because they are filled with entitled adults who want to drink alcohol, which we don't allow here. So tonight is going to be more stressful than the prom nights.
Once we arrived at work we helped finish up the rest of the set up. Prom set ups are different than wedding set ups, so we had to do a bit more work for setup today than we had to yesterday.
The Wedding
"And so it begins." I whisper to Mila as we walk from the barn to the tent. Guests have started to arrive. Music is playing, people are talking and I go around asking if I can get anyone anything. As I am wondering around trying to meet the needs of all the guests I turn, and bump into someone.
"Oh shit my ba- hey I remember you." That voice sounds familiar. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2022 ⏰

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