Eos' description

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Eos looks like the cover photo

Quirk: rebirth

Effect: allows user to continuously revive anyone that they chose. Gives user the ability to heal themselves and others. User has sharp hearing and smell. User has increased strength (can lift up to 5 tons (can be trained)). Increased stamina. Longer life span and combined with healing quirk makes them effectively immortal unless healing ability is over powered (near impossible).

Mutation(s): Gives user a broken black halo and white horns as well as a angel and a demon wing which grants flight. Gives user multiple eyes on face (can be hidden) which gives user better vision.

Side effects/cons: when reviving someone the red bolt in users hair glows brightly. Causes most people to feel uneasy around user. Can only revive someone who died within the past 24 hours. Healing someone else causes the person being healed to become unconscious for a minute.

Gender: gender less

Sexuality: Aro/Ace *this might change later in the story but more than likely will stay the same*

Age: 17

Morals/code: never harm kids, try to not kill unless nessesary/provoked, ???

Allignment: neutral

Parents: unknown
Siblings: none/only-child

Hobbies: Analysis (can easily break down a quirk after seeing it in action), ???

Extra: Eos does not know what there birth name is as their parents were abusive before their quirk came in and were never called their real name but after running away from their parents as soon as their quirk came in (age: 5) and living on the streets stealing what they could to survive and doing odd jobs once they got older.
During the time they lived on the streets they went to a bunch of different librarys to make sure they had a form of education. The library staff didn't think anything of it due to thinking that Eos went to the local school as they kept themselves clean.
After turning 13 they discovered that they could heal other people than just themselves so started healing people for a cost (not heafty but not too cheap as they had to make a living), they also started selling their analysis to people who would pay for it, but had a rule of not giving out analysis on children or students. They also sell information that they find out but depending on the info it can be very expensive.
Villains and criminals often go to them if they ever need healed, information or an analysis done. The heroes and police do not know of Eos that much other than the whispers of an informant in the underground who sells info for a price.

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