Chapter 1. The Meeting

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*Story starts a week after the USJ incident*

3rd person pov, Nezu's office.

Nezu: Aizawa have you heard anything in the underground about the League Of Villains that attacked your students?

Aizawa: I haven't heard anything about the League but I heard about a informant in the underground who might have information or be able to get the information, from what I've heard from informants I know they are reliable and go by the name Eos.

Nezu: See if you can find out how to contact this person and see how much it would cost to get that information.

Aizawa nods and leaves the room to head out on patrol while keeping an ear out for any information he can find about where he can find Eos.

*Time skip brought to you by my cat Star*

Aizawa pov. I was running across the roof tops when I heard a noise come from an alleyway that I was about to jump over, stopping and crouching down on the corner of the roof I peered down into the alleyway to see what the noise was.

Upon looking over the edge I saw the leader of the League Of Villains Shigaraki as well as Kurogiri while a third unknown person was standing with their back towards me so I couldn't see their face.

Making sure I was hidden in the shadows on the roof I carefully listened in as I knew if I jumped down right away then Shigaraki would likely just teleport out with Kurogiri and I had no clue what the other person's quirk was.

Shigaraki: We need an analysis done on class 1a of UA.

I tense slightly as I hear that but stay still so as not to blow my cover.

*authors note: the rule of no analysis done on children is not too well known as very few people have requested such information*

???: Apologies but no, I am not going to do analysis on children.

Shigaraki: Come on, we will pay you double the normal price if you do it.

???: My answer remains no, I won't change my mind no matter how much you offer to pay.

Shigaraki *scratching neck*: Fine--

My foot accidentally kicked a small rock as I moved in preparation to jump down into the alleyway.

*stone falls to floor*

Shigaraki: What was that?! Kurogiri get us out of here!

Kurogiri: Apologies young master but I cannot appear to open a warp gate.

I jump down into the alleyway and quickly wrap shigaraki in my capture weapon before throwing him at kurogiri before he had a chance to register what was happening and disintegrate my capture weapon.

I keep my quirk activated while looking towards Kurogiri and Shigaraki making sure that they don't managed to escape, but as I looked away to try and find where the third person went Shigaraki gets back up and uses one of kurogiri's warp gates to reach for my arm and grab it but I quickly look back in his direction before it could spread any farther than my elbow during this time Kurogiri opens another warp gate and the two of them escape.

I look around and notice that the third person was still in the alleyway and just as I was about to shoot out my capture weapon to capture them my arm falls limp to my side so I instead use my capture weapon as a make shift sling to keep my arm from being jostled around too much and agriavting the wound.

Activating my quirk and preparing to get into a close range fight with the third person I watched as they stared at me before looking at my injured arm more closely.

Tensing in preparation to stop a possible attack directed towards my injured arm, I was mildly shocked when they instead just raised their arms in surrender.

Keeping my quirk activated I pull out a pair of quirk canceling handcuffs from a pocket of my hero costume.

Aizawa: put the handcuffs on both of your wrists while keeping them in my line of sight.

I slide the hand cuffs across the ground towards them. I was still tense in case them surrendering was a trick.

I watched as they ended up putting on the cuffs making sure that they did it properly and that they couldn't slide their hands through the cuffs.

After I was positive that the cuffs were on properly I turned off my quirk but kept my eyes on them incase they decided to attempt to run before grabbing out my phone and calling the arrest in to the police station.

Eos pov, 15 minutes prior. I arrived at the destination that the leader of the League Of Villains, Shigaraki, said to meet him. Once they arrived we got down to business.

Shigaraki: We need an analysis done on class 1a of UA.

Eos: Apologies but no, I am not going to do analysis on children.

Shigaraki: Come on, we will pay you double the normal price if you do it.

Eos: My answer remains no, I won't change my mind no matter how much you offer to pay.

Shigaraki *scratching neck*: Fine--

Before Shigaraki could finish his sentence a rock fell down into the alleyway from the roof top.

Shigaraki: What was that?! Kurogiri get us out of here!

Kurogiri: Apologies young master but I cannot appear to open a warp gate.

Before anything else could be said or done a figure jumped down into the alleyway. I stood off to the side as I watched the figure I recognized as the underground pro-hero Eraserhead wrap Shigaraki in his capture weapon before throwing him into Kurogiri.

But as Eraserhead looks away from the pair to likely try and locate where I ended up going, Shigaraki uses one of Kurogiri's warp gates to disintegrate part of Eraser's elbow as Eraser eraseses Shigaraki's quirk before it could spread any farther than his elbow, but before Eraser could do anything else Kurogiri teleport both himself and Shigaraki out of the alley and to a different location.

After Shigaraki and Kurogiri escaped Eraser turned his attention and quirk towards me but before he could throw his capture weapon at me his arm appeared to give out and he instead used his capture weapon to keep his arm steady.

I look over Eraser studying him, as I glance at his arm trying to see how bad of an injury it was I notice him tense slightly likely assuming that I would end up targeting his injury.

But I wasn't much for fighting, that didn't mean I don't know how to or that I'm not good at it no, I merely prefer not to fight if it isn't necessary for me to do so.

I instead raise my hands in surrender. I watch as Eraser keeps his quirk activated as he pulls out a pair of handcuffs, most likely quirk canceling, from a pocket of his costume and slides them over towards me.

Aizawa: put the handcuffs on both of your wrists while keeping them in my line of sight.

I pick up the cuffs and follow his orders and make sure that he can see that I did put the cuffs on correctly.

I stand still while he is on his phone calling in my arrest while he also keeps his eyes on me making sure that I don't run off.

*Authors notes*
Sorry if I miss spelled anything or if I portrayed Kurogiri or anyone else wrong, I haven't watched the anime in a while and do not have the time to do so. If you have any suggestions or any input on anything I can improve on as I am a new-ish writer, and as such any ways that I can improve on my writing will be appreciated.

The informant: EosWhere stories live. Discover now